Barbarian emblems - Grimm or Gravemaker?

  • Grimm
  • Gravemaker
  • Are you stupid how is this even a question?

0 voters

150 emblems on hand (expect to hit around 190 in a month’s time), lv 17 blue mana troop available. Grimm+11 vs Grave+6. Enough emblems to get Grimm to +19 or put two more talents on Gravy (yawn…)

Actually leaning towards Grimm tbh, because with that mana bonus node at +19, he can now charge in 9 tiles. I’d start using him a lot more as part of my blue stack in that case since I also have Lepus+6 and cKiril+6, and those 3 if all fired together would just about wipe out half the board instantly.

That said it feels kinda silly to prioritize a 4* over a 5* (one of the very best no less), but Grave+6 vs Grave+8 is an almost negligible difference. Grimm+11 vs Grimm+19 however is day and night especially with that mana bonus.

I would give emblem to Grimm until Gravemaker hit maxed level.
Then I will pull every single Barb. emblem out of any heroes, and put onto Gravemaker.

My idea is, you emblem the hero where it is LEAST likely to be stripped. Embleming thus is a long term investment. My vote goes to Gravemaker, one of the best hero there is.


My approach is to build an army, not a team. So I distribute emblems accross all the heros I use instead of building that one best defence team. But I do emphasize more the active part of the game vs. having the best possible defence team. I really don’t care that much how it will do while I am offline. :man_shrugging:t2::joy:
That said, having GM at +6 is maybe enough, and if you think Grimm would be more usable if you go all the way, I’d go with Grimm.


At one point, I had TWO of Grimm emblemed up to +18. I still don’t have a Blue mana troop (after 23 months of playing!), so I never benefited from the mana boost on Grimm.

In May, I got Gravemaker, leveled him up as quickly as I could, and stripped Barbarian emblems off of everything I could to give them to GM instead. No regrets. While the emblems on Grimm did make him more durable and he hit harder… I wasn’t really using either of them, much less both. So I stripped emblems off ONE of them first, and then when I realized I wasn’t really using the other one, I cleared emblems off him, too.

GM is in my raid & war defense, so he was a clear priority for me. I also had Malosi (who is getting Barb emblems now that GM is finished at +18), and I got Kage in May also, he is next in line for Barbarian emblems. So in my unique and admittedly very lucky situation, I have three 5* Barbarians who I wanted to emblem up as soon as possible, thus it was no issue for me to strip emblems off of Grimm #1 and #2.

Good gaming!


I say Gravemaker for this reason:

Grimm, even with 20 emblems will die in one-shot vs titans.

I personally like sturdy, versatile heroes.
Grimm is versatile, but you have to spend a lot of time protecting him.
As much as I like him and his dead tile damage, and appreciate your question as valid… It’s still an easy choice for me.

I’ve got my grave at 20 and that’s where those emblems are staying. My next barbie emblems are fed into Roc. His tile dmg is sick.


Grimm will overwrite cKiril, so i guess you would than go to back regular kiril? What you need is a blue sniper in your stack to finish after ckiril and lepus or a blue defense down hero before lepus. a nice 4* for your blue stack could be triton over grimm. i don’t have frida, so i beefed nordri to tier 20 and put crit troops on him and that kind of works vs titans, but i don’t raid with that setup.

You bring up a good reason to keep Grave with emblems.
Kiril-C with (technically) wizard emblems, will free up barbarian.
If you go full Attack on kiril, that will offset some of the attack stat loss from Grimm

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Keeping Grimm at +11 is probably the best thing you can do IMO, and then give the rest to Gravemaker.

Even with Telluria everywhere, I still use Grimm for his defense down against her when no JF flank is present (usually I use a 3-red 2-blue stack though, since it’s too hard to kill her with just skills).


That is exactly what I’m doing with most of my 4* heros. Grimm is an excellent addition to a team in many 4* tourneys and events, but not so much without any emblems. Yes, over longer time he might lose his role in raids and wars, but there are features of the game where he will be useful forever.
On top of that, we will get a costume for him eventually, so he might become even better. I wouldn’t strip off mine - even though it means my Gravemaker is still at +2. But, he will get his portion of emblems eventually. :joy:

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@Slobix I did strip my Grimm to give the emblems to GM. I am trying to get my GM to +18 sooner than later as he is a key to my main defense and war defense. As you have said in many other posts, it’s a personal preference for me and my playing style. :wink:


I vote to emblem Gravemaker because “Are you stupid” sounded a bit harsh.

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Sure, no judge at all! :hugs:
Respect every decision, just wanted to make my point as an all-around-player-wanna-be. I put emblems on my favorite 3* (up to 11 tallents again) as well. My choice is to have plenty of solid options for every feature of the game. That of course means that I will never have the best defence team in any competition, for example. Just a solid one. But hopefully more choices when it comes to attacking.


Some great points being brought up!

Here’s the thing, what if I do intend to keep Grimm at +19 (or whatever his final talent count is) for the long term? He was the mainstay on my blue stack until I got Lepus, and mainly because Lepus was fast and it was just that much easier to find 3 matches and fire him vs finding 4 matches for Grimm. But if I can make Grimm functionally fast, there’s really not much out there that could survive a 1-2 punch from a Grimm+19 and Lepus+6 I reckon.

Grimm’s defense debuff lasts twice as long, and also the idea was to have their defense already debuffed, so Grimm’s initial hit would do more damage, so would still keep cKiril in that case.

I have Triton but without emblems he’s just way too squishy, even more so than Grimm. I do have 238 ranger emblems in hand but I really don’t feel like using them on Triton since he only sees uses as part of my last war team, and I never raid with him.

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Ultimately, it’s your roster and, before you act on any single thing someone says on this forum (anyone, no matter how ‘respected’)… think of what is FUN. If you’re having fun with Grimm, then get him swole and give Grave the overflow.

You have the heroes, that’s the hard part. Emblems will come, even if it’s only a relative trickle with relation to 5*.

But, you did ask… and my opinion will still be Grave, based upon how much I use him as well as the War Defense / Telly world lineups and so on. I just find him more versatile, even more so with Wilbur in my roster.


Total makes sense. Eventually, I’ll backtrack and put emblems on my favorite 3* and 4* heros when I turn my focus to performing better in tournaments and challenge events. I like your approach! :wink:


Of course, was just curious whether the additional info would sway your opinion on who to emblem. But like you said, the most important thing is having fun. :smiley:


Ha I took the exact same talent path (picked up every single attack node) with Grimm. Cards like Grimm/Jackal/Scarlett are already so attack oriented and unbalanced there’s no point trying to make them less squishy, because then all you end up with is mediocrity.

I haven’t emblemed any of my 3* heroes and likely never will have the emblems to spare for them at this point. But I’m also of the same thought that I should at least try to be moderately competitive in all aspects of the game, which is why I have a few +18 4*, because I almost always use them as part of my stacks (Caedmon+18, Hansel+18, Proteus+19). That and I only have 6 maxed 5* so can’t emake any effective stacks out of them, and 4* will stick around with me for a long, looonnnng time.


Buddy, we’re on the same boat. :love_you_gesture:
I’m just over 6 months in the game, and I figured all those 5* projects will be here with me for eternety. So my choice was to try to have as much fun as I can before reaching the point of 20-25 maxed 5* heros (currently 4). And tbh, it worked well. :blush:
PS. Regarding emblems path, yes. Pure attack for attacking heros, those are born to be brute force! :muscle:


I think I’m a few days away from 7 months, but yeah same thoughts here, have as much as possible while slowly on the 5*, which means building an army of 3* and 4*, sometimes with duplicates in each color to create the best possible stacks and see what defense I can take on.