Hello people. I really want to emblem Little John but im not sure until what point or until which node.
I have 132 barbarian emblems. If i reset gormek i could go to 200.
I know the logical option and optimal too is put them on grimm but im lacking on green options having only kashhrek maxed besides little john.
I remember an user @olmor if im not wrong who had a full emblemed little john. He took defense route and it seemed a solid all aroud hero.
So the question is.
Is it crazy to put the emblems on LJ and put asaide the embleming thing on grimm until i summon a better option for the color?
I can reset all the emblems and only lose food and iron
I suggest you to go with him until +14 (14th being a def node). Go right-right-right-left-left. Therefore mainly defense, but also atk where possible. He doesn’t need more than +14 for now… After you finish these nodes, you may begin Grimm if you don’t get a barbarian 5* worth of emblems.
Here’s mine on alt account. I stopped at +14 though I have 65 emblems sitting in my inventory. But it is not necessary. Grimm is +19, LJ +14 and I save the emblems for a future good barbarian. I won’t do the mistake to use emblems only to reset after and waste a lots of resources, if I get a good hero. +14 is quite fine…
He’s also a solid hero tbh, I find he’s underrated around here in this forum. Almost like a hit-all version of Proteus, as -63% mana delay makes even v. fast heroes take considerable hits to charge their skills.
I agree to go defense primarily though as he’s very frail and needs all the help he can get with surviving hits
I disagree…attack path makes him a might fine hitter. His defense is too low to make any real difference on his survivability IMO. Might as well make him as deadly as possible while he’s still alive!
I should probably add that this isn’t a bad idea either, depending on goals and playstyle. If you prefer his higher attack, then attack path makes absolute sense – his stats lean that way.
To deviate a bit with Grimm, I use him myself to compete in monthly challenge events, and I emblemed mine towards the attack path for that reason.
But most other players I know chose defense path, and frankly I think there’s different roads to success with Barbarians like Grimm, Little John and Gretel. See this conversation:
I myself don’t use mono-green often for events or quests, it’s mostly raiding. So that’s why I prefer my L.J. focused on defense.
I only need him for his mana debuff and he should become as sturdy as possible to survive until his cast even in high diamond raids and heavy quests. I never thought of high tile damage or hard hitting with him, so I wanted him sturdy and healthy.
If you have not many green options, having only Kashrek and Little John, I don’t think adding emblems to LJ will help that situation? Grimm is really good, and I think he is better choice IMO. Just wait for better greens. I think you might have remorse focusing your emblems on him.