Azlar vs. Gefjon to ascend

Hi all, so both seem pretty powerful attackers but kinda weak to take hits. I’m leaning towards Azlar since I have a lot of archers. Liana, Domintia, Devanna, few other 4*. And gromek is my only leveled barbarian I believe. But gefjon. Is also fast and hits hard. Thoughts?

A lot of it is dependent on playstyle and what other heroes you have. In a vacuum I’d say gefjon, but without a bit more detail it’s hard to see if you particularly may do better with Azlar for specific needs.

I’ve also moved this to gameplay help and tactics for you as it may get seen more there


Fast > Slow

Azlar may be worth it if you had the costume

Gefjon is great hard sniper plus steal minions.
I just give the rest of ranger emblem to her, now my Gefjon is +12.
My other ranger: Seshat+18, Onyx+19, Evelyn+7.

I do not have experience for Azlar, I have unleveled one without costume though.
If I would choose slow red, maybe I would pick Khagan, well another ranger though duh :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

While waiting good Legendary Barbarian, I think on Epic another great options are: Grimm, Little John, Jott, Frank.


Grefjon gets the rings, she can also steal target’s minions to endure for more time.

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Gefjon is one of the better snipers in the game. Her stealing of minions is an awesome mechanic and very useful. Azlar is slow and old especially without his costume.


Even if I had 10k barbarian emblems and 0 ranger emblems I’m going Gefjon easily. I think it’s an easy decision.


If you need a hero for defense gefjon is better.

On offense things aren’t as clear. There a lot depends on your play style for example if you prefer snipers or Aoe.

I already had one azlar max + full emblems and a second on 3.70 before I got his costume because I really like this kind of hero. Pair him with boldtusk and wilbur and maybe falcon. And you kill a whole team in wars. Especially against passive tanks this works just fine.

Gefjon is more for a play style were you kill one hero after another.

So depends on how you play, I most of the time ignore my snipers and go def down on all and Aoe heroes after that, so I would probably max azlar first if I had to decide. If you want to deal fast huge damage to one target and don’t like slow heroes go with gefjon.

Without knowing more I would probably recommend gefjon, in most cases you don’t make much wrong with a good sniper.


Thanks all for the input. Gefjon it is

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go for azlar so u will experience the regret feeling


No costume for Azlar then this shouldn’t even be a conversation. Go Gefjon and save your regret for the bedroom.


Gefjon any day and twice on Sunday.


I have both these heroes at plus 20.

Azlar was my first 5 star hero ever in the game and has a special place in my heart. His costume even though it only hits 3, if the opponent has less than 50% health they are pretty much dead. I still love my costumed azlar and use him in my top red attack team.

But i took him off my Defense team and haven’t looked back. Especially after limit breaking Gefjon. She is fast mana hard hitting sniper that has good defensive stats and also steals the minions from the player she attacks.

I use them both together with Captain Nemo, Santa and Guardian Falcon as my top red attack team. This team is fun but a little slow mana. Unfortunately most my reds are slow. Personally, i think she is better than Nemo only because her snipe isn’t dependent on having any ailments.

Anyway, azlar hits really hard but can’t survive like Gefjon but the biggest difference between the 2 is mana speed and that is why i chose Gefjon over azlar. You can’t go wrong with either but i don’t think a season 1 hero without costume is comparable to season 3. Def not season 4