Who to DLB (and talent grid to 25)

Like the title says I can double limit break a 5*. I am almost F2P so my line-up isnt that great but i have 20 aethers to spend now. I am thinking about spending a few to DLB 3* and 4* and one 5*. I already have DLB Pepperflame, Khufu and Obakan costumes.

  • Winnie
  • Toon Joon
  • Toon Isarnia
  • Toon Azlar
  • Miss Ethel
  • Mr. Pengi (or other oldie to make them relevant again)
  • Other (tell me in comment)
0 voters

I also would like to get some advise how to spend some points for talent grid. Also existing Heroes can get them like Pepperflame. Thanx in advance for some reactions :slight_smile:

You’ve already got a DLB red.
What 3 and 4 *s are you thinking of?
Who are your current candidates for 5 * attack team heroes?

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3* dont matter much. I was thinking about some green 4*. I never pull green 5*. Almur for titan and Mulgog for tournements.

The guys i listed are also some of the guys i use most. Winnie is my main healer. Those toons hit hard. Most 5* i have are now obsolete by insane powercreep.

I personally would do azlar. He kills as simple as that. Even at slow speed he is very strong, the toon stat and the passives.

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Out of those options i’d go with Toon Joon if you have all his 3 costumes (not only base and Toon/HA10). But who is your second Goblin, assuming your Papperflame came from Goblin portal?

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All listed toons are with all costumes. My other goblin is Boom & Fang. Good defense but its lacking a bit.

I am amazed toon joon get so many votes!