Atomos – New Atlantis Hero: First Thoughts & Discussion

I’m amazed I didn’t get him, I only seen to ever pull green heroes. But I got melandor, kashrek, mnissus and chochin. I hate the Atlantis summon, it gives the worst results for me.


mine just got melia, and mneseus, wanting melia sooooo much, need helaer that bad :cry:

@Xero786 @Dante2377 @Uclapack @Kerridoc @Wharflord

What do you guys think of atomos?


Worse version of Quintus, probably the first Atlantis hero on „not quite 5*” bench.

Not excited to see atomos ability. He is nerfed so much from beta card, makes him kinda like junk hero now


You forgot about Mok-Arr :wink:

But yeah, totally disappointed no my Atlantis pulls. Was chasing Aeron, Ariel, Kunchen but my 45 pulls gave me guess who. Already have 2x Horghall and Elkanen.
The only hope is in the expected balancing changes in version 20 I guess.
So sad right now…

I have maxed Zeline and few 5* greens in bench, including Morgan, Evelyn. Even if I pull Atomos somehow, I will probably never start levelling him. He’s nothing compared to Zel for aoe hitters.


Blink Blink :no_mouth:

The original beta version of Ariel was rumored to be a nightmare, that version of beta Atomos sounds like the Devs said “What rumor can we release to trace our Beta leakers”.

Looks like an advertising mock up.

My favorite advertising mock up is Natalya freezing enemies in a mock version of Empires you could play for 30 seconds.


Please everyone who gets Atomos send him to my account.

Slow Heros

I would not want to face a very fast mana speed Atomos ( rumor this is possible in challenge raids when Weekly rule is Rush Attack ). Very fast and fast will always dominate raids.

But I would easily take him to 5* 2.60 at slow speed.

As long as he revives, you can still do matching/ tile damage and you can use Miracle Scrolls- which still suck ( but it is what it is ).

Boss Heroes

People complained that Wonderland was hard - will get harder with fixed Hatter - because it was designed around its heroes.

Atomos, like Kong, are examples of Bosses converted to heroes.


While I would prefer Ariel or Aeron ( together they fight crime), I would take 2 Atomos.

Titan OSOK

Luckily I am in an alliance not fighting 14* Titans, but Atomos seems tailor made for high level titans unpredictable one shot one kill.

Wound seems most useful against titans and his damage increase is easier to time with titans huge mana bar.

Improved version

Personally I would just change his attack to splash damage since I think his primary roles will be against 1-3 remaining opponents, bosses or titans. Unlike Alberich and Mother North who work well against 5 opponents.


Not impressed with Atomos, was extremely excited about the beta version that was leaked but this version would not unseat Hansel from my main team. I do love the artwork though.

Actually, due to his superior defense, he is as tanky as Horghal.

Perhaps he is meant to be flanked by Ariel and Poseidon + Proteus at the corner so they get +20% family defense bonus.

Will atlantis family get red hero?

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If I am correct, Frida is still Hotm at next Atlantis ?!

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just tested his special, it gives you a buff after the aoe, lasts 5 turns that makes you back to life if he dies with the buff on and it can be dispelled(the buff is gone after rezzed himself once). I don’t see him good in the defence team anymore, with AI it won’t fire the special at the right time and there is quiet a few dispellers out there with fast and average speed, not gonna mention the hatter can steal it too. Now with higher attack than the beta version he probably has better use in offence rather than defence but still the mana is slow, at best scenario you can do the damage what Quintus does, and the buff can only rez you once, not looking hot, bright side is he got average hp and better armour than Quintus…

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My thoughts:

Looks like they heard the complaints of 5* getting ever better and on par with 6*. I would have a hard time finding a use for him outside of color stacking.

I am with a few others holding out for the next Atlantis.


No coffee yet today, forgot how to read a calendar - lol.

Beta version was better. Unique heroes but not big one. Not good for raid, titan and again bosses. i hope atomos spec skill will change soon! resurrection all with 30-40% chance. it can be better.

Do you know the original source?

What’s meant by status effects ?

Any sort of buff, debuff, healing over time, or damage or time. Examples: attack buff, defense debuff, poison, etc.

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If he had 830ish attack he would be at least viable…

Mr. Atomos, please meet Mr. Hatter.

Looking forward to stealing this resurrection buff from Atomoses everywhere. I did pull Atomos today, but I’m not seeing a compelling use-case for him (nor did I in beta). He’s in line behind Lianna and Hatter for tonics.