Ascension polls: who's next?

Hey guys, onto some of my next ascensions and I’m indecisive so wanted to get some opinions. In most cases I’ve narrowed it down to 2 options, except for blue which I really have no idea about.

Which yellow to ascend next on my alt? Currently have these maxed: Director Zuri, Prof Lidenbrock & Eloise.

  • Malin
  • Rhys

0 voters

Which red to ascend next? Currently have these maxed: Hypnos, Ruby, Phenexa, Oceanus, Asterius, Elizabeth, Octros, BK, GM, C. GK, Santa & Mitsuko.

  • Garnet
  • Khufu

0 voters

Which blue to ascend next? Currently have these maxed: Milena, Quintin, C. Ariel, C. Alasie, Skadi, Krampus, Bobo, Frida, Mr Pengi, Crystalis & M. Lepus.

  • C. Finley
  • C. Rumpelstiltskin
  • Zircon
  • Sobek
  • C. Athena
  • Lord Loki

0 voters

Which green to ascend next? Currently have these maxed: C. MN, El Naddaha, Arco, C. LoTL, Quenell, Peridot, C. Alby, Tarlak, Margaret, Atomos & Kingston.

  • Guan Yu
  • Frigg

0 voters

Which yellow to ascend next? Currently have these maxed: Rhys, Kullervo, Faline, Motega, Wolfgang, Devana, Odin, White Rabbit, Poseidon & Inari.

  • Zekena
  • Director Zuri
  • Eloise

0 voters

Thanks for voting!

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I saw you have 2 accounts, so if 1 acc already got the hero maxed, choose another different hero to be maxed for rich experience gaming for the alts, rather than choosing the exact same heroes to be maxed on both accounts.


I do try and do that with some heroes, and it’s a nice gaming experience. Therefore I was heavily contemplating ascending Malin over Rhys but then when the poll is 80/20 I still feel inclined to go with what is better for my roster :thinking:

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I think that Malin is better option, you already have 2 strong healers. Rhys is good but with only 3 maxed 5* I would max hitter over third healer. But there is no bad choice, both will be very usefull.


That’s true, thanks for the advice. I was a bit surprised that majority of people voted for Rhys but maybe cause they saw him as a generally more useful hero and didn’t factor in the fact 2/3 of my maxed yellow 5* are healers. Anyhow, will get them both to 3/70 and test them both out first!

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Agreed with @Radar1 and went Malin because you already had strong healers

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Always tough to answer. I’ll put here some questions I ask myself to make such decisions:

where are my gaps? What do I want to improve (Defense, Offense, Events, Titans) ? Do I have emblems? Are my troops allowing to run a potential stack.
Without these answers, my gutt feeling is: Malin, Garnet, C. Finley, Frigg, Zuri

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@cadi thanks for your thoughts, that all makes sense. For further context, I can emblem all of the options I have, so on that front it’s fair. However, mainly focusing on offense and tournaments as my titan and defense teams are already pretty solid. The only exception would be Sobek and Frigg that may have a place on my defense every now and then if I want to switch things up. Also I don’t run mono teams, usually 2-1-1-1 as I only have one set mana troops that can bring my average heroes to 9 tiles (so with the double colour I usually bring one average and one fast) :thinking:

You have zuri and lidenbrock so I chose malin over Rhys.

For red I chose khufu, you have phenexa and khufu is a beast especially on titans. Something I’ve been focusing more on lately is titans. So heroes like khufu become even more compelling.

Blue was easy, Sobek. He’s one of my most used heroes, he just smacks everything. Passive is sick and fires A LOT. Amazing ice hero!

Guan yu is one of the hardest hitting “hit 3” heroes in the game. Then the uncleansable defense down is amazing. With minions everywhere, I think he’s that much more relevant now days. That said, frigg is awesome, I just think she’s a bit more limited on offense.

Again, with this holy, you have Rhys maxed so I’d avoid zuri. I chose zekena. I know you really wanted him, he was my first LBd completely eknblened 5* and he did me will for quite some time. He’s amazing on titans. Great hero imho and wins out over the others.

Good luck, I know choosing who to ascend is always a struggle!

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Indeed I did not pay so much attention to the other heroes for two reasons: Malin is slow and Rhys is so f***ing annoying on defense. Even though I have a far better roster than average, I have huuuge problems dealing with him when he is a flank for a strong dark tank like Xno, Diaochan, Bastet etc

But maybe it’s just my mediocre play :smiley:

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@Ugk26 thanks for the advice man, and appreciate you paying attention to who I already have ascended to factor that in. All your choices make sense. Also deep inside I kinda know Sobek is the best choice, but was hoping I could be wrong since he’s at 1/1 and I have a few others at 3/70 already lol.

@The_Seeker well that’s partly the reason I’m considering Rhys, because he would make my defense team next to Xnolphod lol. Also I already have Peridot for accuracy reduction so not sure if Malin brings anything new table, but then she is the only Covenant hero I own across both my accounts so it’ll be fun. I guess I should think about which is more usable at 3/70 and which one can benefit more from being full ascended/emblemed (which would probably be Malin)

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Malin is limited useable outside Rush. Tested her a lot at 3.70 and not impressed in raid.
Please share if you see other areas of usage.

Happy gaming


  1. Rhys - I have one Rhys. I want more. HAHA. :slight_smile:

  2. Khufu or Garnet

Khufu for normal war defense team (I mean, cAlasie-Khufu-Xnol-cAlasie-El Naddaha) or for rush attack war defense and offense / Garnet for war attack team. She really works well with your BK & Ruby.

  1. Sobek

Maybe Frida-Sobek-Skadi team? 9 tiles (if you have right mana bonus) make them fire and they can kill 3 enemies, maybe? and then frost & mana generation stacks of Skadi for the left enemies.

  1. Guan Yu or Frigg

Frigg-Quenell-El Naddaha team? 7 tiles (if you have right mana bonus) make them fire but I don’t know if this team can kill the 3 enemies cause Frigg’s defense down is dependant on the number of green tiles. Instead of Frigg, you can use Almur or Grace.

  1. Director Zuri or Eloise

If you want to build one anti-Hulda or anti-Diaochan & Liu Bei, Eloise willl be the most useful one for you.

Just my 2 cents. Good luck!

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@masaroozzang oh interesting, well I have 3 Rhys on my alt account so maybe I’ll get all my dupes to 3/70 at some point haha.

As for Khufu, I didn’t know he had a place in normal war defense as I always thought he was just for rush. May I ask why Garnet specifically does well with BK and Ruby?

Makes sense re others, I guess the polls do help but I also understand it can be very subjective. Thanks for your 2 cents :slight_smile:

I’ve met some strong alliances these days in the war. There were many ‘CAlasie-(Khufu or CGuardian Kong or Octros)-Xnolphod-CAlasie-El Naddaha’ defense teams, and this type of defense is more difficult for me to win when they have 29 or 30th level magic troop. Khufu is slow, but huge mana bonus -4%(emblem)+20%(magic troop) & 20% given by Xnol.- make it fire faster than I expected. And Khufu is a monk, so it can resist normal or elemental defense down. My Evelyn(or Almur), Iku-Turso & El Naddaha can usually kill 3 enemies, but Khufu resisted defense down and survived after being hit by those 3 combo. And then it hit hard and gave sand DOT. So, Khufu can be a very good card for normal war defense as well as rush war when you have 29th level magic troop and the other supporters.

Garnet & BK can be good counters together for this case. Garnet’s immune can block Khufu, Sobek and Horus’ passive and family bonus. It can also block El Naddaha’s ailments. BK’s taunt can prevent Khufu’s damage from spreading and Garnet can block its passive, sand DOT. So, your whole team can survive after being hit by Khufu. Ruby is always good. 4 or 5 tiles make Garnet & Ruby fire.

Whatever you choose, they are all very good heroes. Good luck.

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Thanks for explaining, I understand now! Unfortunately I don’t think I’m gonna have a level 29 or 30 magic troop any time soon :sweat_smile:

To make my decisions even harder, I just pulled Costumed Marjana today (I have a vanilla version sitting at 3/70). She might jump the queue because I think her EDD is more useful for me and then I will probably build up rings again for Garnet/Khufu :sweat_smile:

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Yes. Definitely, CMarjana should be the 1st. Congratulations! :slight_smile:

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