Hey guys, onto some of my next ascensions and I’m indecisive so wanted to get some opinions. In most cases I’ve narrowed it down to 2 options, except for blue which I really have no idea about.
Which yellow to ascend next on my alt? Currently have these maxed: Director Zuri, Prof Lidenbrock & Eloise.
- Malin
- Rhys
0 voters
Which red to ascend next? Currently have these maxed: Hypnos, Ruby, Phenexa, Oceanus, Asterius, Elizabeth, Octros, BK, GM, C. GK, Santa & Mitsuko.
- Garnet
- Khufu
0 voters
Which blue to ascend next? Currently have these maxed: Milena, Quintin, C. Ariel, C. Alasie, Skadi, Krampus, Bobo, Frida, Mr Pengi, Crystalis & M. Lepus.
- C. Finley
- C. Rumpelstiltskin
- Zircon
- Sobek
- C. Athena
- Lord Loki
0 voters
Which green to ascend next? Currently have these maxed: C. MN, El Naddaha, Arco, C. LoTL, Quenell, Peridot, C. Alby, Tarlak, Margaret, Atomos & Kingston.
- Guan Yu
- Frigg
0 voters
Which yellow to ascend next? Currently have these maxed: Rhys, Kullervo, Faline, Motega, Wolfgang, Devana, Odin, White Rabbit, Poseidon & Inari.
- Zekena
- Director Zuri
- Eloise
0 voters
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