Hey guys, need some opinions on which red and blue heroes to ascend next on my alt - I’ve been sitting on this for a week so any help would be appreciated!
Red - my current reds are Hypnos, Hathor, Cupido, Tetisheri, Khufu, cOctros, Aradia, Cardinal Richelieu and Emilio. I was kind of leaning towards Black Caesar as he could potentially replace cOctros on my defense team, but I already have Cardinal for fiends so not sure if he’s too similar…
cBlack Knight
Black Caesar
Ignazio (1/1)
Blue - which 2? My current blues are cFinley, cMorel, cPerseus, LoLo, Guardian Hippo, Oniwakamaru, Waterpipe, Milena and Aino. Leaning towards doing Pengi first, especially now that I just ascended Ginger who is fast minion maker. But who else?
Firmin Richard
Also on my main I have a fairly deep roster but I’m having a bit of dilemma between these 3 yellows. Any thoughts?
@Jack.O.Kent I’m also quite fascinated with Carmenta and I think if I had Quintin ascended I would lean towards picking her! But I never thought about Kullervo (who I do also have) so that’s quite a good synergy
Also I was almost set on Thalassa but I feel like the legendary troops have made boosted health slightly less valuable (which I’ve noticed on my main with Quinn). Like when heroes have 3k HP, a boosted 500HP is barely more than a 15% heal now. But the ailment immunity at VF speed would come in handy!
Ignazio. Fast cleanse, heal and attack up, plus that family bonus, what’s not to love? You have also only one true red healer (Emilio needs to fire twice at least, Cupido may cause enemies to heal, but both are not reliable source of healing).
Odette and Tremor. The former because of dodging everything, Tremor because of nasty buffs. Alternatively Firmin Richard, because of stacking attack and defense, though I use him mostly on farming and there 3/70 does suffice (one advantage of that power creep).
Erlang Shen, I see him in every defense, sometimes twice. Can’t go wrong with him. But both Vaishali and Persa are great too.
Those yellows are all . Do them in the order you need hitters or healers. Carmenta is a big want from me bc she’s so interesting but c2 marj is essential and ignazio is excellent.
@Nightmare2048 thanks for your input! I do have Ignazio on my main and I use him excessively, I guess because he’s the only one that is still sitting at 1/1 I was contemplating other options. But you’re right I don’t have any reliable red healers
Agree, I think if I chose FR I would mainly use him for farming. The reason why I’m a bit hesitant on Tremor is cause I always thought he was more or a war equiliser specialist.
Thanks @Ship, I guess with c2Marj I kind of feel like she’s incomplete because I don’t have the tertiary costume bonus (which is my FOMO mentality lol). Yeah I’m definitely leaning towards Erlang Shen or Vaishali to be honest, it’s just I have the most emblems readily available for Persa and I’d have to re-emblem heroes for the other two. I have the legendary troops to blame for depleting my fighter and cleric emblems
@BlackZed I don’t have a fast blue minion maker, that’s why I still haven’t ascended him on my alt. I listed all the levelled heroes I have above the poll, but the only blue minion maker I have is Waterpipe and then 4* Xiaodun. But I could do 3-2 and pair him with Ginger…