I’m really torn. I already have a maxed Poseiden and he’s a beast, and he will be getting my fighter emblems soon. My defense team is, all maxed, Lianna-Marjana-Aegir+6-Seshat-Posieden. Basically a tank that can punish bad boards surrounded by all fast hitters. Once I have the ring I’m putting Zim in where Mariana is now to increase Aegir’s healing hit affect since I don’t run a healer.
My yellow bench sucks and is Poseidon and Li along with a 2/60 Ranvir I just use for titans. I have plenty if orbs to work on Chai which is my only other useful yellow. A second Poseidon would be clutch and he’s fast which I prefer. But Neith has some great meta that I just think could be said changing on offense. Thoughts???
Why Ranvir?
I have the same problem. Neith or Ranvir? And I have Inari waiting for her darts. Why should I choose Ranvir? I was heading toward Neith.
BTW I have Miki, Tarlak and Wu. So I dont need Ranvir for titans.
Thank you all for the input. I’m shocked Neith wasn’t even really focused on. You guys focused on Ranvir. I really appreciate the different point of view and understand where it’s coming from…I do see how Ranvir, when your on war flag 5 or 6 and using a hail Mary team, could prevail if you get a good board. That’s great input. And I can take him to 3/70 next, but WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS BETWEEN NEITH OR SECOND POSEIDON?
I agree with the order, even though as stated later, Ranvir is not a priority. But I truly abide by the first rule. Variety is important. After a while it becomes boring using the same heroes constantly. Imagine having to use two of the same heroes at the same time constantly…
I don’t care about boredom, I’m looking for advantage. Like chef runs double Victor because his special stacks etc. I just want to maximize win potential. If I’m facing an Ursenia tank, what would be better… But the diversity argument is enough. I’ll do it for that. I’m launching a live stream soon so it will be great content. Thank you all for your valuable Input. I’m off to read a few more posts and max Neith. Again, thank you everyone.