Is Neith worth the emblems?

She’s a bit squishy.

I also have Hanitra, Poseidon and Ranvir on their way up to 80. So which one deserves the yellow emblems in your opinion. Or do I just wait for a better one to come by.

  • Neith
  • Hanitra
  • Poseidon
  • Ranvir

0 voters

Since her buff she’s very good now. We had a few in our alliance actually ascend her after that and I’ve seen them all LB and emblemmed up doing a job in war hits.

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I would stick with Neith if I were you, unless you happen to have Poseidon and Costume to keep him up with the latest and greatest stats wise

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Only Poseidon is worth investing if you’re fighting against Bera/Freya tank. Also he is great enough if he fires first to block Alf*ck skill in Rush. Neith is just a joke from SGG since her stats is out-dated. Hanitra? I’ve food 20 of her and never bother to level her up.

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Neith is good now. She has high attack stat also because she is 2019 hotm (+10%).

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These all take different emblems, are you deciding more on who to max first and use darts on?

Neith - Ranger
Poseidon - Fighter?
Hanitra - Wizard
Ranvir - Druid

If you are short emblems then better to compare Neith head to head with other ranger options, if darts are the issue then the poll works and I’d pick Neith, after her buff she is good.


Neith would definitely be worth it in my opinion but it depends on who else you have as a Ranger and who you would be using more. I have no emblems on my Neith but that’s because I needed them for Lianna, Evelyn, and Khepri (I am sure there are a few 4* too). Otherwise, if I didn’t have these, she would be a definitely yes but I use Lianna Evelyn all the time for my green mono team for raids, wars and events and farming. Khepri is great on my purple team alongside of my Louhi (and Khepri is amazing in the tower events if you can get him to go off multiple times fast he can kill those bosses for you).

In a raid if I go against a +20 Neith I always try to kill her quite soon because the mana reduction AND blind are a pain, the times I have underestimated her and then lost or almost lost is too many

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Having used Neith ever since I pulled her, she was good before and pretty great now. I even use her as a tank in rush wars, and see single digit first attacks more often than not.