Hey all! Sorry I had posted a few days about about LotL vs. Kingston and the majority had said Kingston as I needed a sniper on my team. I was just about to ascend him but then I pulled Garjammal who is also a sniper so I’m a little torn again. Who do you think is a stronger hero out of the two?
Kingston. Extremely useful the attack down and his elemental link.
Kingston. Garjammal is good, but that attack down is tops!
All the S4 heros are extremely good… Dont focus on kingaton go with Garjamal he hits hard than king and heal over time ability for sniper isvery good…He can stand alone without healer
I would go with kingston too. 5* attack debuffer heroes are really rare but so damn usefull. They allow your entire team to better survive.
Also kingston burn resist and fighter class are awesome.
Thanks for your opinion guys! I just wish it was easier to obtain tonics
I vote Garjammal, but it’s crazy close. I have a couple alliance mates that love her. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Omg mate you make it hard for me to decide haha
Kingston , by far
The hits by both fully emblemed is basically the same .
The attack down , resistant and class make Kingston still better proposition
Another vote for Kingston. His debuff is a very good battlefield control mechanic. And his damage is still pretty good.
I can’t tell you about Garjammal as she hasn’t graced me with her muscular presence at this time, though she looks promising, but I got Kingston in October 2019 when he was HOTM, and to this day the only question I ask myself when making up a team with greens is “who shall I put with Kingston?”. And mind you I have C. Lianna and Frigg, among others, and several I haven’t been in a rush to level because that’s ok, I have Kingston. I’m currently working on Phileas Fogg, not to replace him but as a potential partner in a 3-2. Now that should kick blue butt.
I would also vote for Kingston.
While Garjammal has better stats across the board, Kingston’s attack drop is much more impactful than Garjammal’s HOT.
Essentially, Garjammal is focused on preserving only herself with her HOT. Meanwhile, Kingston helps protect your whole team with a huge attack drop to 3 enemies. He also is immune to burns which helps against many common Fire heroes.
Having faced both on defense, I would still go with Kingston. While he is easier to take down, I try to avoid setting him off unless I have hero to remove the attack drop ready to go. Garjammal on the other hand, I do mind setting off since she rarely hits hard enough to get a kill and doesn’t reduce my team’s effectiveness.