Arfanias vs C-Seshat

Hi everyone,

Another dilemma. Which one should I choose between Arfanias and C-Seshat ?

Enough emblems for both.

My purple roster :

Guardian Panther +18 (+ costume)
Jabberwock +20
Goseck + 20 LB
Hannah +20 LB
Dr. Moreau +20
Lepiota +19
Diaochan +20
Rayne +9
Alfrike +12
Victor +0

I need a good hitter since I lack a purple sniper. Arfanias seems to be a very strong sniper but C-Seshat debuff before damages seems unvaluable. Any advice ?

Arfanias is a really good hero. I fought him a couple times, he hits really hard and the dodge is significant. That said, the debuff from seshat is soooo valuable, I would prioritize her personally. Good luck!


Arfanias for damage, C-Seshat for utility.

Looks to me that you have utility already covered. That Panther can dispell as well, and she charges at the same time as Seshat.

You could go with Seshat for that second dispell - I guess you’d want to use Panther in the costume anyways so the base version dispell may not be handy. But then, that is not a hard hitter at all. Costume deals even less damage than the base version, and even the base version was at the edge of being a sniper. Arfanias will almost always hit over 450%.

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Here’s a poll to make it easier for people to vote :slight_smile:

Which purple 5* hero to ascend next?

  • Arfanias
  • C-Seshat

0 voters

I voted for C-Seshat because you can never have enough dispellers, not to mention she has priority dispel which is extremely useful against counterattackers and taunters.


C-Seshat is not a hard hitter but she is useful everywhere :sunglasses:
However, you said you lack a purple sniper, then you should go with Arfanias.

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Thanks a lot, the answer is pretty clear : both are amazing heroes, but C-Seshat seems to be the first choice.

yup c seshat since sniper could be found anywhere but debuffer is more rare