Any use or just feeders?

Running out of space again and its time to clean 4*…

Do you think any of these should be kept? Maybe Gobler qnd Anton?

  • Griffin
  • Anton
  • Eichbelborg
  • Carol
  • Gobbler
  • Mireweave
  • Brynhild
  • Valeria
  • Boomer
  • Sir Lancelot
  • Aqualith
  • Maheegan
  • Lemminkainen
  • Wren
  • Stonecleave
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I use none of them except for Carol.
I could use Aqualit if I ever had pulled him.

The rest are easily substituted for toons epics.

In my 2 cents.

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I have Aqualith at full but seems to be weak for me.
Very big maybe for Anton, Carol, Brynhild and Aquaboy.

I don’t use any of these any more, except for Eichelborg as my red defence down hero for green titans. Don’t use them in 4 star tournaments, nowhere.

Not worth leveling unless you really don’t have anyone else to level. I still use Griffin and Eich during w3k and the elemental quest because they are already leveled .

I use none of them, wouldn’t level any.

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Perhaps Brynhild or C.Gobler, but i think you can safely feed everyone with not much loss


Check out Ruskin’s Four Star Removal.

Also comes in a Three Star variety.


Here it is:


Aqualith is the only hero listed that I use (mostly for cleans against hit alls).

Heroes I leveled and don’t use: wren, Maheegan, valeria, brynhild, carol

A good question is if any of these heroes would be used during this raid tournament if you had them fully leveled, with emblems, and limit broken?


Thanks all for your feedback!

Interesting question :thinking:

My current setup is

Its doing well on attack but not so much on defense (I expected the opposite when I setup this defense)

I don’t think they will help in any way

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@Homaclese @BigJimCamper any feedback here?

Troops are an issue.

To keep any of them it may be worth deciding how many 4* s of each colour will your 3* troops support. Then you need to look at all your 1LB and 2LB, memblemed 4* s in each of these colours and consider whether any of these heroes has a chance of taking one of the available spots.

Don’t sleep on Maheegan’s use in events - his fiend HP pool applies to the enemies’ entire inflated HP bars, so they will essentially never heal again.

I used Brunhild alot awhile ago 2lb fully emblemd. Not much any more. Gobbler never used but is a cheep minion killer. Maheegen have leveld but dont use …you need to keep some for when events come other than that feed away .