Another ascension advice


Currently I have a few heroes on my ascension list and one pair of fine gloves to spend:

Hu Tao
A second Sonya
A second Tibertus

Double heroes to be levelled:
Little John

Do you have Sonya’s costume? If so, I advice dupe Sonya. Displel+Cleanse in same time is good.

If you have Kashhrek’s costume, then 2x Kashhrek won’t hurt and make your task to finish hard stages much easier (with Cyprian or Boril and 2xC.Kashhrek).

I’m not sure what you mean by this? You have duplicates of these heroes?

I’d go Kiril first. Then Wu… although I feel like those suggestions could change depending on the rest of your roster.

Why dupe Kiril and dupe Wu is useful?

I don’t have a costume for Sonya or the other heroes you mentioned. The only 4* costumes I have are Little John and Li. The rest are 3*.

With double I mean duplicates indeed.

Probably because I misunderstood the OP. :rofl::rofl:

Will edit in a bit.

Editing: @Phoenix27

  • Costumes for li and LJ… the bonus is worth the max
  • Would get second Sonya and second caed to 3/60. Max them if you get their costumes.
  • Drake is a great choice for darts.
  • grazul is a great choice for rings
  • second Brienne with costume for 3*… helpful for events
  • chao and lance will be good secondary projects

Just my thoughts. :slight_smile:

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Why not max Lancelot?

I am maxing him. I just got another pair of fine gloves for another 4*

Then I suggest to wait till Valhalla and finish remaining Valhalla levels. Valhalla has a very good 4* heroes: yellow! 4* healer, rogue! healer, fast! A3E LJ, 4* Evelyn and more.


Thanks, will keep that in mind

+1, I would hold on to your gloves for a bit before you start giving them to duplicates. Make sure you level those costumes (if you haven’t already)

It depends how many of the other unfarmable ascension materials you have and how much you plan on summoning in the near/distant future? Fine gloves are rarely a limiting factor as you only need one, compared to 4 unfarmable 3* AMs for the 4* heroes, 8 3* AMs + 6 4* AMs for the 5* heroes. You rarely resort to dupes.

AMs also begs the question on where you stand with Drake Fong/Gregorian? Even if you don’t have quite enough 4* AMs for them yet, it’s okay if they sit at 3.70 for a bit (unless you really have no 4* AMs).

I have only just started with Drake. Gregorion is on hold as I am leveling up By-Ulf

Am also needing to level up some costumes but have not found a strategy for that yet and what works for me.

I’d love to work on the costumes for the heroes I have it. What is the best strategy for this? I am levelling up heroes, if I also have to focus on the costumes it will come at the expense of the normal levelling or have I misunderstood how levelling up costumes work?

You level them just as you would regular heroes. But they level much much faster.

Before anything, I’d recommend leveling costume for either Li or LJ- costumes are super fast to level. Other than that:

You already have the Darts and one orb away from full-ascending Drake- that should be a definite target. You also have full mats for Gregorian- why not work on him, too? It looks like you have enough 3* and could use more strength up top.

After ascending Lancelot, you then have the mats to ascend Grazul x2 (you may be 2 hidden blades short if you haven’t ascended Lancelot yet, but it’s going to take a while to get Lancelot to 3.70 and Grazul to 3.70 so a hidden blade or 2 might pop up by then.

Between Blue and Purple, I’d probably recommend Kiril (it looks like you could use another healer- that other Kiril is your only other full healer, you got Kash/Gad for nearby healing) or waiting for a summon depending on what your plans are.

I also recommend ascending all of the above at the same time by single-color feeding them.

Righto, that is awesome info. Is there a list on what ascension mats you need for heroes?

And correct me if I am wrong but Sir Lancelot can only got to 70?

^See first post above (Also keep in mind all 5* heroes need the left picture for the second to last ascension level, if that makes sense. That’s why overall, they need 8 3* AMs and 6 4* AMs.)

Oops editing

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Do you have line?

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