🧙 Anastasia – 4* Holy / Yellow from Tower of Magic

Is she wizard or sorcerer ?

Thx, I will fix this…


I like her obviously! Perhaps irrationally. But look at those stats! Her “power” is higher than Evelyn+12, not that power means anything though. Very Fast speed and summons 5 minions (132HP each)… she might be the best farmer in the game for Atlantis/Valhalla!
2022 Edit: Post Buff, her minions have 215HP (with a modest troop).


@KPB …did you take Anastasia to max and emblem her?
How did she play?

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Anastasia is the most underpowered 4* Event hero I think in 2021. Unusable in defense, even Bloody Battle because low HP minions are a liability with Costume Frank (mini-Skadi) out. Her class doesn’t reinforce either of her special skills.

The 2x charge lacks the direct damage of Aodhan and is slower speed (considerably so with the slayer family bonus making Aodhan slightly faster than slow mana heroes). Sailor 'Stasia fiends absorb a bit more HP but not significantly so.

Some 5x AoE direct damage on both items would make her usable considering the sorcerer class.


Agree. She is unusable in her current form. Shame…the art is bangin’.


Ach, typical that I got this one and Anton, who has also recently been outed as unimpressive. Still, I shall level both of them in time because they should be interesting to play with, just won’t expect great things.

How did you get 821 attack? I went all attack on emblem path and only got to 762. Even with limit break not sure how to get the extra 60 attack

this is the unbroken version with attack priority. the extra 5 levels give those extra stats.


I’m going to max these out and play around with formations, wondering how long I can survive in Diamond


Consider giving crit troop to Anastasia. Her speed is magic so she won’t need that much mana bonus from troop and she will summon healthier minions


Thanks, great point :+1:

I have her 20 emblems, and came really close to LBing her, but glad I held back. She is very underwhelming. Her only use I’ve seen is if you want minions fast (super weak minions who’ll die with a single basic attack). Her health steal is comparable to vollermork, so useless. This is a warning to those who want to LB/ emblem her.


Agree she is a big letdown. I max emblem her because I have close to 2k sorcerer emblems ( I don’t have a lot of heroes in that class)

Either way she doesn’t have much going on other than decent base stats for a 4* (762 atk, 662 def, and 1502 health)

None of her specials are useful. Minions are to weak for either offense or defense and the fiends are a joke (like flys to a hippo)

I would NOT lb her.


I like her a lot and will limit break her.

She helped me out in the Magic Tower. I had 3x5 minions on boss stages.

Didnt even use the fiends BUT even if they dont suck enough life for you fine folks… she prevents healing, dont she now?

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After I pull Milena, I pull Anastasia in the next coin pull :smiley:

Full body picture


Emblem her health and attack. That’s what her minions utilize.

I read your review and couldn’t agree with you more about Anastasia. I’m still pretty “new” to the game and only have one five star who isn’t even all the way leveled yet. I pulled Ana and immediately leveled and emblemed her based on your advice and she has improved my team more than any other 4* yet. I suddenly broke through map stages like butter that had me stopped prior. I have her as my tank on defense and opposing war teams with higher power ratings suddenly need to burn through four flags to take me down. I used her in the bloody tourney as my tank and suddenly in top 25%. On raid defense, I am suddenly beating teams that have 600 more total power than my team. Ana as my tank is a game changer for me, literally. I had Kiril and Boldtusk and Octros as tanks before. Emblem health and attack to support her special for both offense and defense. Then let the super fast mana do it’s work. That’s it.


I pulled her last magic tower, and had enough feeders and emblems saved up to max and bring to +20 in a couple of days.

Minions aren’t that sturdy, but her speed makes up for it, she’s really fun to use too! It’s fun casting minions and fiends left and right :slight_smile:


update: really happy with her this ninja tower, I’ve been bringing her against Garnet - her fiends were stealing 1000 health per enemy total before disappearing :wink: