When I tested it in Beta I immediately had it ranked as my top amulet. Especially given all enemies are elite enemies you get your value. It also makes autofarming that much easier.
Image of the new amulet from province 16, the scarab
Not particularly excited about it, and a bit annoyed that I will have to drop either Was Scepter or Shen for a bit
Can you put a screenshot about this in Amulet Inventory ?
As the OP contains images with that background.
It can contain the description to so that I will know if is it updated or not.
If not that’s ok too, as I will unlock this Amulet later today.
Here you go @PlayForFun and thanks for all your hard work
Has anyone calculated the increased Troop damage of the Scarab amulet ?
Thx, I have added these to the OP, and I have also added the two new ones from Beta to the OP.
Lol that’s a terrible amulet!
That one sounds nice though
Can you counter attack twice? Elena/zhuge, etc?
forced rainbow fighting! hm, well why not, if it is for PvE… wish this had been introduced earlier rather than later though, when enemies are a bit easier!
Does somebody understand what “the weaker element” means? From whose perspective?
Does it make “bad element match” attacks less bad? (I.e., red against blue does more damage than the usual half.)
Or does it make “good element match” even better? (I.e., red against green makes super duper damage.)
The description says “your troop” so I understand that my red troops have increased damage against green (weaker) color. It may be good for stages where all enemies get increased defence against special skills. Your tiles can deal more damage where your specials deal less.
The OP is adjusted with balance adjustments:
That’s a big decrease for Was Scepter tho, ugh.
ok, Initially I was not super excited for this amulet… but I see now that the heroes are revived with their original special skills … not bad ok, lowered defense, but at least the special remains.
Thx, I have added the image to the OP.
Well, I guess this new amulet can be useful if one of your heroes just DJED and you have no reviver in team…
I rarely lose heros in map stages so not really motivated to use it. Rather keep my was/ shen combo.
I am finding it useful for autoplaying, in case the AI badly messes up