🏯 Amethyst - 5* Dark / Purple from Ninja Tower

Using free coins got this gem!
Plus this was my first 5*


Waited for the cheap offer on a Saturday. She was the 3rd pull of the 1st offer.


Isn’t she a perfect tank?
I mean giving fiends at already at 5 tiles if health is low and otherwise continuing loading. The weakness of ninja in defense should be gone if she is in tank position.

Anyone tested her in tank and have experience?

Happy gaming

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Lucky enough to have pulled her today. Will pair her with Konshu and Sergei

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did a single coin pull, and got her, my first 5* Ninja!

she will pair well with my only other ninja = Ametrine, also a Purple. and Nyx, my only other 5* from any of the tower events!

super happy that RNG was kind to me!


Congrats @sleepyhead :tada:

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thank you very much @Ranvir :slight_smile: wishing you good luck too!


I realised her VF fiend generation pairs very well with Ebba, as by the time Ebba fires you can get multiple fiends on enemies and then she will really pack a punch!

@A-Sweden I just think Amethyst is more appealing than Fortuna because yes she might do a priority dispel and have fiends that lower attack, but Amethyst can fire at VF speed (vs fast), do 80% more damage (200% vs 120%), and her fiends do more damage (59% vs 45%) and are harder to remove (32% vs 22%). If you compare Fortuna with Amethyst’s second charge and consider it to be functionally fast (3 tile matches), the differences are even greater. Fortuna only wins if the dispel is needed for the battle :thinking:


Fully agree with your analysis.
What about my question? :wink: if she Amethys may work very as tank? Being Ninja and usually not good for defense, doesn’t matter in her case. She will pump out fiends based on her health.
She has also very good stat.

Another question, when I fire her, the fiends get different health on different enemies. Whats is setting/deciding the fiends health?

So far she is impressive.
Happy gaming

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My first 5* ninja! Pretty excited, though actually more excited for Garnet, who I got on a last gem pull (really suffering for 5* red healers)


Unfortunately I can’t comment much on Amethyst as tank as I don’t have much experience with her, though according to the polls only 20% think she’d make a good tank (on the flip side the same amount of people think she shouldn’t be on defense at all). I do feel like the new ninjas are better on defense than the old ones since they fire to all enemies even on first charge, but sometimes they don’t fire at the right time and can then be finished off in the next turn.

To answer your other question, the fiends have different health on different enemies because it’s based off the targets’ health not her own health - does that make sense? Therefore if the target has higher health, so will the fiend.


One big problem as tank, if the AI decides to wait for a Lv3 special, she’ll already be dead.


Not likely, since it is triggered by level of health.

Happy gaming


Surprisingly this hero seems to work quite well in def. I wasn’t too optimistic because it’s a ninja and the fiends don’t come with a debuff. But it is doing a good job in def.

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Remember cups means nothing. Especially for new heroes. Good defense = players using it in wars.


Surprised no one has posted her yet so here she is…love her.


@PlayForFun can we get a balance thread for her and the other two new ninjas, please?

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Ok, I will add it later today.

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Sorry, for the 1 day delay, but here are the topics for this and the other 3 new Ninjas:


I have her at 4/37 now, she’s already proving her worth in raids… she’s comboing well with my Nyx. With Nyx’s attack buff/defense debuff up, she’s been doing in the range of 600-800 damage with her special :slight_smile: