Alliance Recruitment: Thinking about posting for a merger?

@zephyr1 Im gonna leave it to you to decide if this thread is appropriate and in the right place.

Hi fellow player! I have led around 200 guilds over a 30 year period, and thought I might be able to help with your decision making process as you look to get people to merge with your guild.

What I want you to consider while white knuckling to your awesome name of “meticulous savages” is whether its better to bring your core to a stable environment elsewhere or to go ahead and make that post.

In general in a game like this with this group sizing you want no more than a 10% to 15% inactivity level. Thats your people who are gone + the ones who arent playing at the competitive level set by your alliance. Teams can limp along up to around 20%.

When you hit around the 40% mark its time to take a good hard look at your 60% remaining and honestly assess whether your holding them bcs they are solid daily players or because your scared things are going to crash and burn.

If all 60% are truly daily players, missing no flags Etc…you got a shot at doing this! Merge baby merge!

If not its time to decide if your name or your friends happiness comes first, and this should become a looking to join post after talking to your core.

Either way good luck! You can read the rest in my memoirs “leading stuff sucks stop making me do it. AKA How to act crazy so they leave you alone for a few months, the unicef story”


I think this would be at home in Player Guides, since Alliance Recruitment is meant for recruiting threads, and now automatically closes threads after 30 days of inactivity — and this can have an ongoing life, as it’ll continue to be relevant.

I’ve gone ahead and moved it, and tweaked the title slightly to make it easier to find. :slightly_smiling_face:

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