which heroes would you put to complete your defense team with Alfrike as a tank!???
Finley - Drake - Alfrike - GM - Kingston
Finley - Zeline - Alfrike - GM - Drake
are two good setups imo. Second one has emblem conflicts tho.
Thanks for the info!! … i have Kingston and Alfrike thats its hahahaha
Finley, BK, alfrike, telluria, vela
Fyi, because of very slow mana, alfrike could be died before casting, that’s why you need BK or Tellu as alfrike flank
Thank you!!! For the info!
Go here for the video
I’m using her as a tank.
If I had the heroes a good Team would be:
Mother n.- sif-alfrike-misandra-alberich XD
With mana troops 23 and mana Bonus (emblems 19) she is 2 tiles faster (like a slow hero)
I have less heroes so my Team looks like that: Lianna-viv-alfrike-vela-marjana
Still I’m always around 2700 trophies
What heroes do you have?
I would too flank her with Sif. Alfrike herself is bad, Alfrike taking half of damage, reflecting full dose back and charging mana faster is worse. Other option would be costumed Vivica with Mana Troop. QoH or BK for other flank to act as distraction. Fill up with Vela/Ariel and healer if no Ariel or Vivica on other wing or someone to clean up.
Kingston, Ariel, Alfrike, Baldur, Joon
I pulled Alfrike last Valhala, but i’m having a hard time figuring out if she is worth leveling right now and which would be the best flanks.
My alliance currently runs purple tanks and I’m currently using Costumed Rigard +17 with some sucess. People would often understimate him and bring weaker teams, I believe. That or very bad boards, I don’t know.
So, planning ahead setups exclusively for war defense with what I already have, what about:
I prefer rainbow, but I know people use Yurple defenses with some degree of success. So, Clarissa for the element link, Delilah for the survivability, Neith as a dragger and GM to put pressure.
Could also run: Misandra-White Rabbit-Alfrike-Mitsuko-Kingston.
Misandra would hopefully boosts Alfrike’s mana, and I think it could be an interesting synergy. White Rabbit and Kingston for damage and to apply pressure on cleanser and Mits for the mana cut.
Another option: GM-Zeline-Alfrike-Telluria-Vela.
Wizard emblems would have to be split and would only have Telluria as a “pseudo” healer.
Anyway, could you guys give an insight on this one? Other than the heroes I already mentioned, I also have Marj and Domitia.
I would take GM-delilah-alfrike-tell-vela because misandra, delilah and Kingston share the same class as weil as Clarissa and Telly.
And would just use the same colour twice if I had two adequately leveled troops.
I’m currently using:
Shadereaver Athena Telluria Alfrike Tyr
My Research: don’t Put Alfrike in the Center. If you do so it will be to easy to defeat her. Yellow Teams will wrestle down her before she can Trigger her Special Attack. The best Tank to combine is telluria. There is No one comparing. For PvP this is hardest stuff. In war defense Alfrike only operates once. She is too slow to Work twice.
I just fought against a team who had Krampus as tank. Besides him were Santa Clause and Alfrike. Don’t remember the ones at the aisles. I doesn’t matter. The three of them were a wall a could not go against. And when SC and A fired it was over for me. I didn’t have good tiles but I don’t expect the result would be that different.