Alberich or Kingston? Ascension Questions & More

So I was fortunate enough to pull Alberich in Atlantis with some coins…I’ve been hording green ascension materials with the hopes of pulling Kingston in October, as I think he’d fit in nicely with my current defense team, which is from L to R:

Rigard +9
Athena 4/50 (working to max her)
Li Xiu +1
Gravemaker 4/50 (working to max him)
Caedmon +1

Kingston would have slotted in where Caedmon is now, but all of my fighter emblems are with Boldtusk (+7), and I don’t see myself moving them off of him as a +20 Boldtusk is a friggin’ monster. I’d have to grind out more emblems to eventually max both of them, if I am fortunate enough to pull Kingston.

I have tons of gems saved, and a bunch of EHT that I plan on using during the Halloween event, so I think my chances of pulling Kingston aren’t that slim…

But in walks Alberich, a druid, who can eat a ton of my emblems and slot in at Rigard’s place, and Rigard or Gravemaker could take over the tank position.

So should I max Alberich now, and assuming I get Kingston, wait a few months until my tonics are replenished, or should I max Kingston, who would simply replace Caedmon in my defense team lineup?

To put this in perspective, my other frequently used and/or maxed heroes are:

Proteus +1
Merlin +1
Cheshire 3/60
Sabina 3/60
Tiburtus 3/60

*Tangent #1: I have enough trap tools to max one more…who should I focus on? I also have Ameonna and Cyprian at 1/1, but neither really does it for me.

G. Jackal +1
Wu Kong +1
Gretel 3/60
Hu Tao 3/60
Danzaburo 3/60

*Tangent #2: I have enough orbs to max one more…Gretel is the no brainer…right?

Grimm +11 (will use a reset token to reallocate barbarian emblems to Gravemaker ultimately)
Kiril +1
Triton 3/60
Agwe 4/1

Hansel +1
Melendor +1
Gadeirus 3/60
Little John 3/60

Boldtusk +7
Wilbur +1
G. Falcon +1
Kelile 3/60
Scarlett 3/60

I think including Alberich or Kingston would safely keep me in diamond, but I’m really looking to improve my roster for all facets of the game. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance guys.

Well, I will be honest and directly. You have nice heroes, but your defense is awful :slight_smile:

Since you don’t have a real good yellow, better don’t use at all. BT is your best tank and one of the best in the game when is +18. The path should be only def/HP and should stop at +18. The last 2 nodes are insignificant, but those 70 emblems will be. BT +18 has def 858 and revives a lot on dying.

This is one thing. Second one… Why Rigard on wing? A healer on the wing is a wasted hero. Maybe works for wars, but you are interested in diamond arena. So this is a big mistake. In wars you set for an unknown number of attacking teams. In arena, you set just for a single opponent. So, no healers in the corners, no slow mana either! (Exceptions Alby, MN, GO). I wouldn’t recommend average either. Your defense should retaliate fast and lethal.

So, until you finish GM, use Bold as tank. I am a 4300+ player and I still use them both, depending of the rule at war. And the opponents should usually do 3 attacks in a row to eliminate me. Anyway, I was speaking about your defense for diamond. You’ll have the tank, GM. Because you don’t have another tank. Now, let’s see the flanks… Athena is your left, obviously. But if you get Kingston, then he will be the right. Not how you were thinking in the corner… Kingston is designed to be flank and would be wasted on the wing. OK, now is difficult, because you don’t have many good wings. However, you have Hansel, who is a wing. So he will be the left wing, (because Kingston will be the right flank). Oh, don’t worry because you have 2 greens now. Actually is better. The opponent will likely attack with at least 3 blues. So, advantage you. For the right corner, I really can’t decide and few to choose. Perhaps Merlin, even if is average.

So this is how I would set a successful defense for wars and raids. I had a similar one when I was 3500+. By the way, don’t even think about levelling Agwe. The biggest mistake you could make right now. You have nice blues to level up, besides you need a Sonya asap. If you just gave him warm capes and stuff (this is 4/1?), then you already did the biggest mistake of yours in this game so far…

P.S. If you won’t pull Kingston, then you should consider Alby, Athena, GM, Merlin, Hansel.

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Thanks for the advice, and yes, my defense team is my worst facet of the game, yet I still hang around in low diamond/high platinum.

Leveling Agwe to 4/1 was definitely my biggest mistake so far (wanted to level Triton, but my god son got a hold of my phone…smh).

Unless you have 11 tonics in your inventory now, this statement sounds overly optimistic :rofl::wink: Congrats on the Alby pull. He’s so good that I would go ahead and max him to add to the lineup that @Scarecrow listed out. Good luck with Kingston next month.

Max Alberich. He is absolutely one of the best heroes in the game. Kingston should be good too, but Alberich has serious impact on battles that is only matched by MN. Resurrection is just such an awesome skill that few can do.

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One more thing: don’t use your EHT on Halloween, keep them for X-mas event - Mother, Buddy, Santa are much better defense heroes than vampires (Valeria, Vlad totally suck).

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Can EHT be used on pirates? The only argument for October pulls is Kingston

No. You have the event coins for summoning during monthly events. 10 coins - 1 summon.

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Alberich. Period. He is like mitch buchannon on steroids, saving every drowning human and other living being in the deep ocean, replenishing their will to live with a magic potion of healing herbs and redbull. When he runs on the beach you wont even notice pamela anderson is there as well.

On a more serious note, alby is a game changer not only on defense which is well known but for me even much more on raid attack, he saved my team countless times in bad start/almost lost raids. Though I have the likes of maxed GM or Hel in my roster, personally I still consider Alby the best hero in the game.


You replied to my post :slight_smile: When you reply to OP, click on the below reply, near “topic controls”

Alberich is the hero who makes you laugh at his absurd awesomeness if you have him or dread his special as he reaches full mana if you don’t. MN is the same. It’s stupid. Fought a team recently with Alby on left wing and MN on the right. I think I killed 20+ heroes in one LONG fight but they got me AND revived at the end. So my heroes chest increased a grand total of zero. I know it’s a oft discussed topic and how things are isn’t likely to change but after fighting a grueling battle and having tons of success erased by Alby and MN…I felt cheated to get nothing out of it. Lol.

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Sorry my bad :slight_smile: i wanted to click on the bottom big blue reply button but somehow misclicked it - a result of doing things too fast

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Thanks for all the wonderful advice.
I’ll plan on pumping up Alberich!

I seem to keep pulling 5* support heroes (Ariel/Alberich/Red Hood/Grazul/Ares) with my only 5* hitters being Athena/Gravemaker/Leonidas/Horghall/Richard.

I’ve read that Leo and Horghall aren’t worth the ascension mats, and the consensus seems to be Ariel being better than Richard.

1st world problems, I guess.


I won’t fight these 2 when filling the heroes chest. I can have 5 heroes in the bag and those turds bring back 3 of them every time it seems!!

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I’ve heard that Valeria is actually a great 4* since her buff. Am I mistaken?

She’s far from being great, believe me.

Not great, but handy enough. When you have level 11 mana troops she gets much better (six tiles to charge), and she is very useful on attack in healing wars (which is a niche use, but a use nonetheless)