If you had a bench full of legendaries, say 20+, you wouldn’t profit as much from noded epics as if your bench was full of epics with just a few, say max 10, legendaries.
All in all they’ll help you, especially the dodge feature.
If you had a bench full of legendaries, say 20+, you wouldn’t profit as much from noded epics as if your bench was full of epics with just a few, say max 10, legendaries.
All in all they’ll help you, especially the dodge feature.
While I generally agree with you, and as I wrote in greater length in that linked thread, there are some truly amazing special skills among the epic heroes that simply have no good counterpart at the legendary level. I was intrigued to hear Tim say during the AMA session that there are some skills that were so good they were afraid to release them on a legendary hero namely Wilbur, Merlin, and Cheshire Cat. With emblems, we have the ability to turn those four star heroes into five star heroes and keep their amazing special skills
Likewise, the 4* color debuffers present a strong case for emblemization.
Thank u. That helps me with some perspective. I really just was unable to grasp the whole thought because I wasn’t aware of how the game flowed then. As always @Kerridoc thanks for a solid easy to understand explanation with facts! Definitely a forte of urs!
Although for sheer info I still think @Razor takes to a level of awesomeness far and beyond. Not like any of u aren’t there to help but dang the effort that goes into the spreadsheets, and the willingness to just wanna make it so everyone can have the info is pretty cool. I will give @_John_Doe some daps too though. That farming report from like a month ago or so was flat out ridiculous! No singling out with any of ya though. Super core group! And yes. U can start making fun of me now because I did actually just use the phrase ‘give some daps’. Hanging head in shame and leaving this topic out of fear for smart remarks back. Who will b first? @JonahTheBard or @Olmor???
E&Peeps - completely understand the logic of - if you would have class leveled the Legend from the start your better off!
Think for just a moment however… Are YOU?
let’s say the average player fully classes a Legend in 1 years time.
(I honestly have NO idea on this and am curious about it… now I will need to find out if it can be or if someone already did somehow. The fact is some are very diligent some aren’t, some spend some don’t, some get good results on rewards some don’t) - so any estimate is just that. I heard one say they calculated 2 years (I don’t know if that was for a team or a Legend)…
Back on Topic. So for that 1 year the one who fully classed the EPIC by the 6month mark kind of hits their peak and month by month looses ground again to the LEGEND. Agreed? They got to kick some Legend butt - went toe to toe, that kinda great stuff!
The question is DOES AN EPIC take 6 months to FULLY class level? Are they on the same timeline (yes I know they are appox the same in terms of total count…)… ok set that aside. I think my First Got to class 4, my first Legend class 1 (just based on equal distribution). So doubled talent and odds of that talent! Added in some fair HP and increased my POWER on the EPIC, very noticeable variance between class 1 and class 4. class 1 is the HUGE ONE as it gives them the Talent.
So there is all the guess work on the above, which varies between individual players daily routines, jobs, family time, etc… some miss emblems when they could have gotten them… they forget to finish the last level of quest because they get too busy (me). Etc.
Now I may of lost some of you because that kind of got boring. HERE IS THE FACT JACK FOR EVERY CLASSED LEGEND THERE WILL BE 2 CLASSED EPICS! All you LEGENDS THAT DIDN’T GET CLASSED - YOUR’E SCREWED - YOU’RE WEAK in the AGE of the CLASSED EPICS! Take you’re 15 LEGENDS TO WAR, I’LL TAKE MY 30 EPICS! Yours will stretch thin, I will have the Numbers! Muuuuahaahahahahahaha!!! This is EPIC TOWN now here boys!
I just had to have fun with that - it’s a possibility. Heck some players wont have 15 classed Legends for what 4 years? Some of the big boys will bow out, some just move on, some find something else to do, it’s a constantly changing pool. So would love to here the WHAT-IF’s on the above paragraph.
@Kerridoc @Traggeter @Sorsha @Rook @MrsBCW @General_Confusion @KingArchur @AirHawk @Schemerlamp
I think there will be some lag time between the 4s catching up and then the 5s superceding and then surpassing by a fair margin. But its inevitable , just may take 8 (or more?)months
My main goal is to have a solid defense for wars, then offence secondly (main defence heros take priority for levelling if they will be on main D)
I’m going to give emblems to my core 5s every time.
Playing the long game, like everything else in E&P. If I am wrong and epics are the new meta by some stretch then good for everyone who had the foresight to feed them the emblems. However once a full defence team is maxed, unless another 5 is worthly of the emblems, I’ll also turn to 4*s
I’m waiting for @Kerridoc and @Garanwyn to provide statistical data…
Actually, on that has anyone tracked their emblems from the start AND started talenting both a 4 and a 5?
I ask as it would be interesting (to me at least) to see how often they’re levelled, emnlems received , etc etc.
@Razor very interesting theory and is partly why I talent the 5s I use all the time, and able to afford.
Totally agree with you.
A more talented bench should be better than a few talented legendaries. You’ll have the chance to choose more talented against whatever, especially war.
It depends on where the aim is.
30 heroes for wars or just 5 for raid defense.
As for AW, definitely the 30 heroes will have the advantage but for those who focus solely on raids, 1x Legend for every class should be sufficient.
Map, titan, raids and wars are the things, where you take different heroes to face the opponent. For all these it’ll be cool to have many different talented to choose from.
Def will only be there all the time and will always be defeated by heavy stacks, no matter if talented or not.
Do you want a deep, helpful bench or just a slightly better win-loss-ratio for your def, talents waiting to be attacked or play with them?
I honestly dont think most 4 star fully talented heroes will be a match for a good 5 star with no talents. I’m not worried.
@General_Confusion - now is that PINKY or the BRAIN speaking?
I only use my emblems on 4* and are doing well. not gonna use them on 5* for now. Maybe later when i have enough emblems to spend them on one 5*, then i can use a reset emblem. (I’m sure it’s somewhere on the forum how muce emblems are needed for a 5* to complete the talent tree) But that would be something for next year i presume.
About 1500 for a legendary.
So from the data I’ve been looking over and gathering from fellow alliance members who have spent their tokens on legendary and those who used them on epic and not to b over looked Rare I might just say. It’s not part of the discussion though so let’s move on to the biggest factor for why really considering the epics is value. It’s essentially 3 times more hero leveling u will get on an epic which is a pretty big deal. Especially by analyzing what u want really bolstered u can get an epic tohsro level 7 or maybe 8. From what I’ve seen legendary will top out around 5. Now u might by saying that’s not a 3-1 advantage. But the way hero leveling can multiply and that it can b led down a path u c most beneficial it is actually that big of a difference. Still working this out but I think it’s definitely been made clear that value favors the epic. Hope to have my first ever topic up soon that may help out some folks. I’m trying to mock up a side by side path down the talent path to illustrate the effects. Fingers crossed. And b kind please whenever it goes up. It’s not gonna b an @Razor or @_John_Doe production piece for sure. Hehe
Hmmm! You may have something there Razor, but I think it will depend on the Epic. Not all classes are created equal. Agree it will take much less time though to finish Epics than the longer Legendary. Question is, will my partial Lengedary be able to keep up with your Epics?
Certainly, but in the midterm talented epic rosters may have some advantages.
In the longterm legendaries will get back the might.
Now we have to guess what periods of time midterm and longterm could be in that context and if one will have the patience to grind that long.
The difference in oppinion is two fold…
One he said average and I said good
Two is that I agree some talents are useless, I disagree that any are amazing. Some are merely good.