4* Team Advice - Calling all Epic class masters

Hi all.

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere recently, im failing miserably in 4* events and tournies. My Epics have been unloved and unlevelled for a long time. They are regularly sneered at and often openly mocked by my 3* team who outperform them consistently (led by Waqas, Shrub and Treevil who wave their 2LB power at my weak Epics).

It’s probably about time that the natural order was restored. However, Ive quite a few to choose from and as always, materials are scarce.

If any of you wonderful, helpful types have time and will, I would appreciate you casting an eye over the photos below and sharing your thoughts about who I should prioritise.

Key Considerations:

• Getting them to 4/70 is relatively straightforward, but going beyond that will be difficult and will take time due to lack of ascension mats - who is useful even without LB?

• Emblems are also scarce for many types. Are any of these useful without being +20? If not, who justifies taking emblems away from my 5* heroes waiting for them?

• Who has the most utility, to be useful across multiple areas of the game? They will likely be the first wave of levelling.

• Synergy - Do you see any tried and tested teams of 5 here, who will work well together for specific uses (do let me know what that use is!).

• Some of these are costume or 2x costume. If you need more info about costume status let me know. Other than Rigard, Melandor, Kiril and Guardian Jackal, most costumes arent touched, but i can check if its useful for your decision making.

• Current status is probably also a factor - if you see heroes that are already 3/70 for example, and they are potentially useful, its less work to get them finished. Does that give them an edge over other heroes?

All thoughts welcome. Here is the shamed motely crew:

I would start by building out Li Xiu as you have both costumes. By maxing the costumes her costume bonus stats will make up a bit for lack of emblems and aethers. Without costume she is my preferred yellow tank for the 4* tournaments. The second costume is great in general play. Note, mine is double limit broken with max emblems, so I can’t say how well she holds up at 4-70 only. But she is a top 4* with the 2 costumes.


Do all the EDD heroes, gormek and gobbler for ani minions, li for silence. Kalo for tournaments only, other than defending he ain’t great. Probably a few more worth doing


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Few that I’d definitely go with are:

C2 LiXiu for stats/silence. Absolutely amazing…I have 2 of her and she does not disappoint.

Kalo is almost a must for tourneys and rush wars.

Bellerive hits hard and if he kills the target has splash damage to nearby plus the stone skin can come through in the clutch.

C2 Kelile is amazing due to C2 stat bonus and on defense in bloody battle is a pain on the wing or flank.

Scoratek is fast and that fiend damage after 3 turns is absolutely devastating, especially if you can set him off twice. I use him in Rush tourney and he’s amazing.

Bogart is a DD that increases to 3 and a must for pretty much all tourney types and solid for titans.

Orla is solid for buff booster tourneys.

Ana-Belle is just a heal machine and more valuable for the offensive dispell.

You have more solid 4*s but I’d focus on the ones above.


All from the post above, + Junaid and Waddles.

Waddles because shifting mindless attack is incredible, Junaid because he’s an incredibly solid damage dealer and has an absolutely devastating debuff as a passive.


Except some very special 4*, now the best st are for me the S1 with costume (better 2 than 1).
They hâve very good stat, the mana bonus is awsome for a category without mana troops, but the big plus are the super talent!
S1 Wizards are the best dispellers of the game, Druide are unkillable with their giants druide which pop up without needs of tiles, …

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Ok from your roster and just talking about 4* heroes, I personally would focus on (in no particular order):

Costume Li Xiu
Costume Frank
Costume Kelile
Costume Gormek

I probably wouldn’t bother with

Duplicate Bellerive

Just my two pennies worth. Whichever heroes you choose good luck


What is good about costume Frank? I didnt see much potential in him. I was planning to level up his original cars for the defence down. But i do occasionally see the costume on a defence.

I would say stat-wise, any hero with 2 costumes is already a contender. I just got my @ss kicked hard by an LB2 +20 c2-Caedmon in war, every time he fired he was doing 700-800 damage to 3 of my un-LBed heroes…

you already have a great base with the LB1 and/or +20 heroes you do have

Utility: Mana controllers are always a good bet for PvE and PvP. Proteus is worth some attention emblem wise, his special is great but needs support to stay alive. Waddles is amazing, wish I had. Hansel too. Gretel a bit less, she’s average mana and a bit flimsy.

among the partially levelled and in 3rd ascension: Boldtusk, Kalo, C2 Kelile, c2 Li Xiu, Marcel would be my picks

Sergei is a Titan specialist, and the very fast Purple EDD can help in other parts of the game too.

there are a lot more gems in your roster, but as this is about priority I’d stick with these as a start


Not much, but regular Frank is I think the 3rd best blue DD for titan use in the game (after Bobo and Athena).
The Costume is only good for the stats boost.
Additionally Regular Frank makes a neat damage stack in a rush tourney together with Jott (both slow hit-all) Since you should also have a maxed Jott for titans anyway :slight_smile:
Speaking of titans: Wu Kong is potentially worth it as well if you don´t have Bertulf maxed already.
And while we are at it Franz is worth EVERYTHING. As are EDD heroes (unless you have better ones in 5star already): Sergei!!!

Titan is a big topic in 4 stars. But now on to other things as you mainly were talking about tourneys and events.

Well events: The standard event team is red (because of Wilbur, which you don´t have it seems). Without Wilbur I cannot say what your best option is for events. Presumably green (Dölgöön) or blue (CGunnar). You need that spirit link if you want to score high. I don´t see Almur, so I guess just use your blue 3 star team and replace the hitters with Grimm?
If you just want to complete, well who cares? Anything works :slight_smile: Events are easy to complete, but hard to compete. I am not much for events (I use them to farm flasks not to use them) I leave this to someone else.

Tourneys: well that would be a huge topic, but a few things:

yellow: Regular (or C1 depending on personal taste) Li Xiu is best yellow and great overall with C2 bonus. Worth every effort, especially since the C2 version is also great on offense (super Wizard for dispel)
Blue: Azmia (especially buff booster, not bloody)
Red: Ferant (buff and bloody)
Green: Brynhild (especially buff)
Purple: C2 (but not without C2) Cyprian, otherwise C1 Rigard (especially buff), C2 Rigard is also an option

Except for Brynhild all of these are useful on offense, too, so again, worth every effort.

Many C2 are top of their class, especially Li Xiu and Caedmon, all the healers, all the reds, which basically means nearly all of them :smiley:

A bard is basically the only way to reach guaranteed mana breakpoints outside rush, so Zhabog! (not Garyas). Bard 5%, Costume 5% and mana talent 2% (or 4%) gets an avg hero to 9 tiles. In Rush any costume 5% or 4% talent with a 5% bard will fire in 6 tiles. As you can see in rush a 5% costume with a 4% talent will fire in 6 tiles even without bard, but bards make it much easier, as you then only need 1 other condition rather than both. Since Zhabog is mainly there for the bard bonus, you can skimp on resources a bit, just make sure he stays alive.

Kalö is good enough for 7DD war defenses (in rush wars), so I am pretty sure he´s good enough for you :slight_smile:

Other heroes that are absolute killers in 4 star world: Marcel and Bogart those 2 are real damage monsters with hard hit plus DD. Junaid is a fast strong sniper that adds a bit of healing to his special, which is faster healing than most in 4 star world.

Mana control: My favs are
Proteus, all purpose from tough bosses to wars to tourneys, with a special love for rush obviously. Worth everything, but can do his job long before that depending on how risky you like to live :smiley:
Waddles: even more purposes than Proteus if that is possible and with much better stats and class :slight_smile: This guy is way better than most 5 star heroes!
A few others are useable, but not game changers as the above 2: Hansel and Tettukh seem best among those.

Anti-minion: CGormek is the best! Others can do the job.

Other heroes out of those (that I have not yet mentioned specifically), but use regularly in wars are all healers: Anna-Belle (maybe the best of the lot), Woolerton (only fast healer in 4 star and a personal favorite of mine), D´Andre (especially for the mana boost to potentially bring fast heroes to 6 tiles), plus all the S1 costumes

There must be more than five different yellow 4 star healers and Holly is by far the worst of the lot, so go ahead and delete her :wink: Also not a fan of Bellerive, I tested him a lot (with Mist and jackal) to maximize his splash damage (because without the splash he is just a rather useless avg speed sniper), but I never got it to work properly, so I reset the emblems eventually. Maybe with LB2 it would work? But I am not going to waste the resources trying that :wink: He is no use without LB lets say.

Last but not least: Fun: Anastasia is one of my favorites :slight_smile: She is useful in many settings, the only shame is that neither her minions nor fiends do anything besides being there. Otherwise she´d be one of the top 4 star heroes.
And my next fun project might be Jack O´Hare costume. In the right team I think he can be a monster :slight_smile:

Got pretty long after all… Have fun in 4 star world!

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Some awesome feedback here. Thank you very much everyone. Lots for me to think about.

Marcel is my current green project, so good to know im on the right track there. Frank will be my next blue (just finishing the c2 version of Kiril). A few people have told me about Waddles uses, so I think I will push him(?) up the list. I wasnt convinced about Proteus but the cacophony of voices telling me Im wrong has become deafening (not least @Elayanith) so I may LB1 him and test out the advice. For red I’ll probably tale a look at c Gormek who I have completely ignored so far!

Clearly there are others that I will quickly try to move into. c2 Li Xiu, Sergei, Kalo, Bogart etc.

You have given me a lot of food for thought.

Now I just need another Atlantis Rises to stock up on feeder materials…

(If anyone else has thoughts, do let me know. Confirmation or challenge to the above is more than welcome). I will be revisiting this thread a lot for guidance :grin:)

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