F2P? I will take a shot at

I have been playing this game for nearly a year now, actually, today is exactly 11 months. I am not a big spender, but I do allocate some funds to the game, typically the VIP each month and I occasionally purchase the special offers, mainly loot tickets (they are my best friend during atlantis rises).

With that said, I don’t really know what it is like to truly be F2P in this game, and I always hear about how bad it is and how hard it is to obtain ascension materials and heroes. On my main account, I have been EXTREMELY lucky in my pulls, actually getting the HOTM in the first two months of playing! (still waiting on a tonic for Evelyn, btw…)

So here we go, I created a new account two days ago, and I am going to play on it for 1 year without spending any money to see where I can get. I plan on keeping track of all pulls I make from the Epic or Elemental summons, and also chronicle all rare ascension materials. I actually received a warm cape after filling my first monster chest on Day 1!

If anyone is interested in starting a completely F2P alt and joining me, feel free to stop by and check it out! My only request is that you keep it free!

Alliance name is Undead Poets Society

Just ask to be let in and I will respond!

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Hi @DukeOfTaurus

Here’s some of us who have made a success of being F2P

All the best with your plan


I might drop my baby alt by… It doesn’t gey the most attention but it’s usually once a day

Will welcome you with open arms!

With all of the complaining about the randomness of E&P, I have decided to start a F2P alt, and try to fill it with new accounts who are all free. I want to see where we all are in a year.

I just started my new team last night and created an alliance.

If you want to participate in this free play experiment, feel free to join me. Search the alliance page for: Undead Poets Society

Look forward to seeing some take on this experiment with me!

Happy FREE gaming!


If anyone is interested, I made the group private so I dont get others in. If you are wanting to participate, please let me know you saw this message when you request to join!


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We have a few members now. Still looking for more new players or some others with a free playing alternate account!

Undead Poets Society

Check us out!

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