Progress, I’ve got to the stage where I’ve a bunch of 1* troop feeders and 2 more 4 *s ready to convert.
(I should swap Blossom and Vivica).
Conversion on the red troop to a cleric-fighter lego seems good option as it fits with avg Blossom, slow c Elena (poss for rush when levelled), and Boldtusk.
(other options are: barbarian-druid, monk-sorcerer, paladin-rogue, and ranger-wizard).
I’m less sure about the green troop. The monk-sorcerer combo works with Sha and Shrub while the ranger-wizard combo works with my freshly levelled Bo & Runt, (c1) Liana, Evelyn, Zeline, and c1 Little John. (I’ve a lot of healing already with Blossom and Viv, I’m low on green aethers, but could scavenge emblems for B&R). What would you do?
My plan for conversion is to convert the troops after a war and level them after matchmaking. I’m guessing that I should do one troop after one war and the other troop after another, or how quickly can it go with 9120 red xp (for lego lev 14) and 8080 green xp (for lego lev 13).