Advice on Fated Summons

Hello all. Ive only pulled Ariel so far and am considering a 2nd. Im also willing to wait for the next pool in April, although with 93 banked it will be difficult.

Who do you think is worth taking, or should i hold out another two weeks?

Depends a lot on your roster. Freya can be a very good general utility heroes. Tarlak is good for titans. Skadi fights (not very strong) minions. Mitsuko has a very useful reflect for Ice. Kageburado dispells first and is very useful against taunt. Poseidon against Alfrike. Onatel is very good for mana control etc

Here is a link to the thread about the most popular Fated Summons heroes


For me personally I would hold out a couple of weeks and go for Lord Loki …
Good luck


Will he be in the portal? Has there been a list released?

Yes there are lolo on next list