Advice on Blue Tank - Theobald or C. Magni vs presently Ariel

Hey all, relatively new player here, and working on building my heroes. I am in an alliance that runs blue tanks. I was lucky enough to pull an Ariel very early on and she is maxed with +9 talents. I also have a Magni that is at 3.70, and a Theobald that I pulled in Starfall circus, who is presenlty at 3.1. I pulled a c. Magni yesterday (costume presently 3.30).

Trying to decide what to do about my tanks. My alliance recommended c. Magni - I have 992 fighter emblems, a Kingston on his way up at 3.49 (5 tonics) and a Lady Loki at 4.80. I have 751 monk emblems.

I’ve read to save emblems for Kingston v Magni. But, not sure what to do about my tank. If c.Magni, should I emblem him to the benefit of the costume? Which path would you recommend? or Theobald?

I have 3 telescopes currently. So, it’s gonna be awhile.

Appreciate any advice. Thanks so much. Happy to answer any questions.


I find pretty much all slow tanks to not be very effective. That said, I’d love to use Theobald in offense, those skills are absolutely deadly! Costume Magni, while not an ideal tank is punishing. I’d give emblems to him over Kingston…especially if used as your tank.

Cheers and welcome to the forum!

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I faced Theobald as one of tanks in double defense and enough said, if I didn’t have Mitsuko I would lose the second attack for sure (first one I lost as I couldn’t charge her on time). That bear is no joke. Sturdy and taking greens against him is always a gamble.

Try to find a defense with him and check for yourself. May not be easy as we didn’t have that many opportunities to pull him, and those who have are still probably working him out. But he’s there.

Personally, I prefer heroes like C Magni on flanks/in the back, and they are easy to replace by someone else.


Id go with Theobald. Ive tried the other two as tanks with poor results. Once you have him maxed with Emblems he should be able to take a single match from a well emblemed mono team. Plus, he is going to be devastating if your alliance sticks with blue tanks for rush wars.