I’m a newish player of a few months and enjoying the game!
I’d like advice/opinion on which of my heroes to use in various situations and what order (left to right) to set them up.
My roster is not huge or fancy- only have one 5* in training (Horgall) , to be used later possibly.
What heroes do you recommend using for map quests, for Defense set up, for Titan set, etc? And in what order ( eg. Rigard on left or right?)
Photo 1- my Roster
Photo2- My usual map quest set up
Appreciate all the help and advice !
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For Titan hits I use Wu Kong and switch out heroes depending on the Titan color
You are giving your emblems to the right heroes but you could need to empower Wu Kong and Protues to have better attacking options.
For titans go with the highest damage/survivability heroes you could have:
- Wilbur
- Wu Kong
- Rigard (a healer: better if changed to Boldtusk, Kiril or a bear/dragon banner)
- strong color against titan
- strong color against titan
For your defense you could need to search for another green hitter, replacing Melendor.
Caedmon comes to my mind…
For attacks you would need the higher & faster damage possible, so you could need to empower Kelile to focus your damage on one hero (and then you should be careful with Wilbur’s usage) or to wipe the entire board with the huge attack bonus of Wu Kong paired with the great Wilbur’s effects.
In any case you have nice heroes, just be sure to not misuse Wilbur when bringing snipers, counterattacking heroes and maybe dispellers.
Thank you FraVit93!
I am now working on Proteus, Wu and Horghall now that I have maxed Rigard, Grimm and Wilbur. Awaiting the ascension materials.
I plan to use Horgall to replace Melendor once he is stronger (unless I get a better green)
Any tips of the order (what heroes from left to right) to place the heros?
Probably ought to hope for a better green at this stage. Taking Horghall to 3^70 will put you in roughly the same shape as taking any four-star green hero to 4^70, but will take longer and be more expensive. He’ll also be stuck there until you gather a BUNCH of rare ascension materials. Feeding him for now makes sense, as you have limited green options, but I wouldn’t use those precious shields on him (assuming you have them) at this point. Hope you get another green project by the time Horghall gets to 2^60.
If you don’t want two healers - I like it for world teams, but not for titans, obviously - you need another green hitter. I know that feeling, as Melendor has been my best green for a long time without a decent backup. @FraVit93 is right; Caedmon would be ideal. (For me, too, BTW, but it looks like I’m settling for Skittleskull at the moment!) Bottom line is, at this stage of the game, leveling a five-star takes a lot of time and effort, and leaves you with a thin bench. They’d better be an excellent hero for that kind of investment, and by reputation, Horghall is not. Just something to think about.
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Thank you so much for the excellent advice Noble! Yes, I agree that Horgall won’t be of great use until I can actually FULLY level him up. At this point I’m just feeding him since I’m waiting materials for my other 4*.
I recently got Skittleskull… I was not sure about levelling him as Hero Grading and some reviews don’t speak to highly of him. But I will start leveling him soon.
Good comments above; I agree with them and have two more points:
Since you’re working on AMs, make Proteus your first priority for leveling; he’s a beast against event and rare quest bosses, and makes getting those materials much easier.
As to hero order, put heroes that affect battle to the left, as the auto-defense will work left to right. So in your current line-up, I’d switch Li and Grimm, so that Grimm’s def debuff will go off first, and switch Rigard and Mel/Caedmon, so that enemy buffs will be dispelled first. Li’s mana reduction and Rigard’s team cleanse will work at the end, before the other team has a chance to fire, and before any damage buffs they have on you apply in the next turn. Wilbur is great at tank as is.
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Thanks! Great tips Greywing.
I use Proteus in a “farming team” on levels such as 12-9, 7-8 etc, where I don’t need any healing heroes.
I will continue to level him up asap once i get the ascention mats.
Thanks for the excellent advice on the Order of heroes. I made the switches as suggested 
Also, I sometimes use Wu Kong instead of Li Xiu
Thanks again!
As Proteus is a beast on events/rare quests, so is Wu on titans. It’s not uncommon to see a +50% increase in damage vs titans using Wu. On the other hand, I find him a little squishy on defense - he dies too easily, and his special can’t be timed as it can on offense.
So, I’d stick to Li as a defender, who like all heroes gets a +20% boost when defending. When her special goes off, it’s an unpleasant thing to the attacker!
They’re both worth full leveling, though.
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One more, for titan advice - what you want is:
- Wu (
- Wilbur (
- A defense debuffer - you have blue Grimm and red Wilbur (
) but could also use purple Tiburtus (esp. for red titans);
- An attack booster (like Kiril); and eventually
- A set of Elemental debuffers that stack with the defense debuffer. Those are found in places like the monthly challenge Guardians, and take a while to get.
You’re well on your way to a great titan-killing team!
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I can’t level Horgall past 2/60 since i dont have the ascension materials.
Based on my available heroes, who should I use, and in what order, for my DEFENSE team?
My defense team seems to get defeated more often now for some reason in raids (when i am offline)