Advice needed! Caedmon or Evelyn

Hey all, I hope you can help me. Maybe the question is bit stupid but I’m pretty lost on this one (sorry for the mistakes, english is not my native language):
So recently I got a fourth sturdy shield. That means I can finally ascend Nature type hero. I have Caedmon, who is ascended 3/4. I also have Evelyn which im not leveling up at the moment. Which hero should I feed the ascension materials? Should I fully ascend Caedmon or should I focus on Evelyn?

P.S. ATM my main team is Colen (ascended to max), Hu Tao (ascended to max), Sabina (ascended to max) Sonya (ascended to max) and finally Caedmon.

Thank you in advanced for the advices!

I wish I could give you a clear answer, but I find myself in an almost identical quandary of deciding between Caedmon and Evelyn. For me, I have come to the conclusion that Caedmon is going to get the shields first for two reasons:

  1. I really need his dispelling ability against riposters. Sure Evelyn has that too but hers is more limited and self-damaging.
  2. I’m close enough in mats that I should still be able to do Evelyn within a month or two.

In your case I’d probably recommend Caedmon as well because you can fully max him out whereas with Eve you’re only going to be able to get her to 3/70.

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Evelyn is fabulous, but unless you have 5 or 6 mysterious tonics in your inventory, I would finish caedmon for now and work on eve later (which will take a lot of resources as well as the tonics already mentioned) In the mean time caedmon will be good, and even better in conjunction with eve later :slight_smile:

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As for now I have two dispellers - Sonya and Caedmon. So I guess I should leave only one of them? Caedmon is stronger imho, so I guess I should put someone in Sonyas place, right?

If you participate in wars you can’t have too many dispellers :slight_smile: Plus challenge events always reflect a colour so there are multiple reasons why having both Sonya and Caedmon maxed is excellent. Both are what I consider part of a basic “tool kit” everyone should aim to have.

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Always 4* first. Otherwise one gets stuck in a lack of mats, which maxed 4* could avoid.

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I agree that multiple dispellers would be very nice. I would also consider class. As a druid Caed, can add some much-needed punch to certain class quest teams, especially the one that pairs clerics and druids.

For that matter Sonya looks to me like she would actually be a good repository for those paladin emblems.

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They are both snipers with benefits and so having both on the same team is not a terrible thing. As always it depends what else you have available. But on an attacking team (later) eve + green sniper is FUN :smiley:

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You will eventually want all of them but unless you have many more heroes than the ones you mentioned it appears that you will get more mileage from Caedmon now (he will help you finish events at 4* level which gives you valuable ascension materials).
You need to build a bench both for wars and for the class events.
Starting on a 5* too soon means you spend more materials to get to a bottleneck that a 4* hero can help you get around but a semi-leveled 5* probably cannot.

Caedmon is an excellent 4*, you will not ever regret having him. Evelyn makes all green heroes better, she is fantastic. Level Caedmon first if you don’t yet have a deep bench.

Caedmon. Later on go for Evelyn since I dont think you have many green heroes to stack with.

Caedmon is always a solid choice.