Advice for a team

Hello E&P fans
I’m playing since 7 months and I waste really well gems but no way the luck is getting to be more hard.

Sartana , Kadline and Thorne got them from single summons while Margarte from 2x10 others from x10 summon or training camp.
I’m feel bored to pull more, I see there is no hope to get something different or special after all that time and wasting gems to more strong heroes so I decided to build something can make me able enter challenge games
I would like to get your advice with to ascend for max level ,talent board
what to keep or throw out
My humble heroes:

Hi there :slightly_smiling_face:

Since you’re looking for advice and there’s nothing to vote for, I moved your question from suggestions to player guides. I apologize for any inconvenience.


Thank you.:blush: I appreciate your fast respond.

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Focus on Wu, Merlin, Tiburtus, Kiril, Wilbur and Melendor to improve your mana control, titan score and health. Leave your 5* except Margie to 3.70 (lack of good green 4*) for now and go for Sabina instead of Sartana.

4* are easier to max and you’ll gain more ascension rewards. Once you have enough for some legends, go for Sartana first.

Since you have many good 3*, go for at least 1 maxed rare rainbow team and give some talents to the best ones.