Always had much ham so I upgraded both advanced mines to lvl 10. So now I don’t have any other building available to build using food.
I want to share with you a small calculation and asking you to tell me if a building upgrade is OK or not.
I have an extended iron mine level 8. It produces 4698 irons per hour.
I have the chance to upgrade it to level 9. It will last 6d 20h is equal to 164 hours.
During the upgrade, the mine does not give you no iron. You’ll miss 770472 iron.
The upgraded mine will produce +170 irons per hour.
770472/170=4532 which means, you get back the missed amount of iron in 4532 hours which are 189 days.
A good business, isn’t it?
If you upgrade your Watchtower, it remains intact and delivers you ham and iron. Why the mills and mines does not do the same while upgrading? The upgrade of an extended building costs a terrible amount of resources while the procedure itself makes you a terrible amount of loss.
Why does Small Giant do this to us, please?
But… the numbers go up! Don’t you like bigger numbers??
Math is overrated. Imagine how much more you’d get done if you added up all the time that you spent doing math in your life!
Good gaming!
Yes. I like bigger numbers.
i have almost 2 years of play.
so, if i would have kept all my mines to lvl1 for two years would have been better?
so, if i would have kept all my mines to lvl10 for two years would have been better?
overall you get more iron, but would advise to upgrade other buildings before farms and mines which are more important, like storages
I moved your post to a player guide created a while back when these buildings were introduced.
The OP did a breakdown of how long it would take to benefit you upgrading the advanced farms and mines, and found the same (discouraging) result you did. Here’s their recommendation:
Thanks. I agree and the advice is OK.
This is going to be really serious topic about -Advanced Farm-, So please bear with me.
As you know unlike “Watch Tower” Farms and Mines are not usable while upgrading, so I decided to explain why is it unnecessary to upgrade FARMS to some extend.
So I have Advanced Farm level5 currently;
Step #1
Adv.Farm lvl5 → Adv.Farm lvl 6, required time 3days and 18hours.
Adv. Farm lvl 5 Production Rate → 6731 Food
Adv. Farm lvl 5 Amount of Production in 3d18h —> 605k Food
Step #2
If Adv.Farm lvl5 to lvl6 increases the hourly production → 317 food
Step #3
The amount of time required to gather that 605k food → 605k/317 = 1911 hours = ~80 days.
As you see, you need another 80 days to amortise that loss food. I did this to lvl5 to lvl6, so I am pretty sure it will require more days at higher levels. If i were to decide to ascend Adv.Farm to lvl10 from lvl5, it will need minimum of 400 days (5x80 days) to amortise food loss at that time.
I think stoping at Adv.Farm at lvl2 or lvl3 for now is more cost effective.
So dear developers, please at least consider making farms and mines the same as watch tower, so we could easily ascend that buildings too.
I assume the math is correct. The “advantage” of leveling up these advanced Farms is not to add more food over the near-term, but to have the opportunity to research high level options in the special buildings; Hunter’s Lodge, Alchemy Lab, and Hero Academy.
If none of these appeal to you, then there is no need to level-up your advanced farms unless you have nothing better to do with your Iron and don’t need that food for the duration of the build.
This is not true for upgrades and research you only need advance storages. No farms or mines are needed.
They are completely unnecessary to max, advance farms and mines looking on difference between them is minor compared to normal farms and mines. Worthless use of resources.
My bad, I was thinking about the storage; which is going to take me forever. I have one Advanced Farm at 4 and another at 6 and don’t plan on leveling them up beyond that.
I won’t argue with your math, but the faster production rate is crucial from an anecdotal perspective. I love waking up to enough food to be able to level up troops, or add some emblems to a hero. There simply is never enough food. So while I have no control against which to compare it, I have to say more food is always worth it.
I have also been playing for more than 400 days.
I think OP’s point still stands.
Someone who did NOT upgrade their Advanced Farms would have MORE food until those 400 days passed.
SG should give us better incentive to upgrade Advanced Farms. I think they just didn’t do math against their own system.
In the early stages of game, the amount of food you got from your farms are nearly negligible, but when you increased them, the amount of time to amortise that gap is increasing rapidly. We already have farm, making it advanced is like modifying a car with windows film, you know car still move even if you do not to complete modification.
Also I am more or less 2 years of players, but there is no guarantee that I will play one more year or two.
If you’re going to level up the Advanced Farms at some point, it’s more profitable to do it sooner than later.
The thing is im trying to say, Adv. Farms still needs to be improved. Also this my current concern because, i am nearly done with all other buildings HA9 (3 days left to lvl 10), AL10, HL10.
We don´t have to make the mistake of taking only absolute numbers, we also need to pay attention to other needs and food income also we need to manage the iron. Sometimes I have upgraded something just to avoid getting full iron.
since storage is limited from the mills and the account, you may need more a food flow than a total amount. The food availability of TC´s rely on the recruits slots available. and swapping from a TC 11 to a TC 4 (you free food this way) can be a waste of time and other resources).
If you are a very active player who picks the food and have other ways to obtain it you won´t need the higher levels of farm, if you barely spend your flags you probably get a quite nice use for the extra 8k daily.
We have also notice the time spent by the builder with the farm and without other building.
That doesn’t make sense. You got data, you’re trying to ignore it for what reason?
The ROI is not affected by player activity, it’s still the same number. This isn’t about storage capacity either, the post is about ROI for upgrading.
If you’re not active, as you put it, then you won’t need more food/iron. That was the case for me and there was literally no reason to upgrade any of those for the reason that I had so much resources… Excess went into crafting battle items.
Iron: Now I got stronghold level 22, just to upgrade advanced mines for level 23 will take couple months. Even if I buy the iron constantly it will take 40 days
Food: well it just goes into crafting, troops and heroes. Once in a while I burn a lot of food in tc19 and leveling. This month it was 120 days of food from tc19, about 1500 1* feeders + week of tc2 and I’m literally out of food, had to raid for food so I can complete POV crafting quest
With this ridiculous return I won’t be upgrading mine/farm this year. Probably not ever actually, after all there is also hunters lodge, hero academy and future updates…
I really can’t follow you. The earlier you do the upgrade the earlier the benefit for the increased income.
I upgraded my production facilities first. Got all max (2x 10 advanced mine and 3x advanced farm ) since a few months. Even with the increased income I can not pay all my emblem costs, öroducing titan items, building costs and troop level costs.
Can’t imagine how I would do without advanced buildings.
(HL 9, AL 6, HA currently upgrading to 5)