Advanced Farm and Mine Analysis

I assumed that most people who are considering advance buildings already have their farms and mines at level 20, so didn’t include the cost of leveling the basic buildings. Your numbers look correct for all 30 levels, not just the new upgrades.

I already do. That’s what I mean by ‘opportunity cost’ in my sheet.

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The numbers for iron did not match, and I thought it was about something else.

All I did was to multiply the output of a level 20 mine by the time it takes to upgrade. Your number is probably different since you incorporated more levels and therefore more time to upgrade.

3617*1428 = 5 165 076 >> 3 522 958

I’m actually levelling the farm and the mine. I’m levelling all the advanced buildings together.

Levelling farm and mine because;
A) Once it’s done, it’s done.
B) It gives a permanent benefit.
C) Not doing it merely postpones the inevitable. Because I will definitely do it one day. You too?
C) Not doing it early means you lose out in the long term.


My Adv Mine has now hit Lvl 10 (and House to 9, stopping there). By my calculation, my passive Iron generation went from 3617x4+7414 (watchtower), to 3617x3+7414+5405.

23310/21882 = 1.065, so 6.5% increase to iron production while I’m logged off. :slight_smile: Time to recover is what it is, but I’ll take it.

I have now converted to Adv Food Storage 1, and just got Hunter’s Lodge, and Harpoons are researching. Both builders are sitting idle until iron recovers. Food can be pulled out of TC20 as needed. :slight_smile:

Plugging right along. :slight_smile:


Too later i have done

I am at:
Advanced Iron Storage - on the way to Level 8 - 4 days
Advanced Food Storage - on the way to Level 8 - 6 days

Want to have the above maxed when ver 23 is released if possible - planning for SH 23

Advanced Mine - Level 3
Advanced Farm - Level 2

No rush - will do the above when storages are at 10, or soon before if builders allow in gaps.

Advanced House - Level 3 - good enough for overnight recruit production for now.

Hunter Lodge - Level 1 - Don’t really need the advance battle items yet, and gives me time to accumulate Titan parts

Who knows what is the right approach!

I put no thought behind it with the two builders. Basically upgraded whatever I had the resources for when a builder finished. Given the massive iron cost, it meant I was tossing hams at the mines. Now at level 10, and prioritizing storages (both at 6) as the nice bump in raid chest resources has been awesome. My guess is that for a period I’ll have to pivot to the advanced farm due to iron shortages to spend 2000k on two at a time.


I started upgrading my advanced farms and mines at Stronghold level 22 more aggressively, since I have two of each running now.

I’m wondering if this is the better thing to do… wait for SH 22 to upgrade the advanced production sources.


Get your storages up and up your SH first IMO.

Mines and farms can come later since they are less essential.


Lol. Mines and farms first because every other upgrade depends on the resources they produce?

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It takes quite a fair bit of time and resources to upgrade storages.

You need them for higher level upgrades in the coming future.

You would not want to be in the situation of “I am unable to upgrade xxx building / crafting because I don’t have enough maximum storages”. :rofl:

Food and iron can come from chests and raiding. Mostly chests for me and existing farms/mines/watchtower.


I second this, my first priority has always been the storage, iron storage first because most upgrades depend on iron, then food storage.

Third is the Adv house, I need those regular over night recruits as I am always leveling.

After that, any other could be done based on exigencies, as for adv mines and adv farm, the rate increases are too marginal to be of a high priority so I take then only when a second builder is free.

Focusing on the first adv iron storage and quickly taking it to lvl 10, made SH lvl 23 upgrade quite fast for me, now the second Adv iron storage would hit lvl 10 soon, positioning for SH lvl 25 and potentially allowing more iron input from other sources.

Once all adv storage barns are done…adv house,…HL…adv farms…adv mines…in that order.


Yup. It doesn’t matter how fast you produce it if you can’t store enough to build the next building. And storage buildings are cheap(er) for their build times, so if you’re producing that fast, you’re going to replenish before the storage upgrade finishes, which means you’re either wasting the excess iron or burning it in battle items you may not need/want.

And not only that, but increasing your storage increases your rewards from chests, so if you’re actively farming chests, you’re going to make even more by upgrading storage.


Great advice from this thread, thanks guys

I only upgrade advanced farm/mine if I run out of resurce to upgrade another building, especially when I have VIP builder (from invite feature/intra-alliance competition prize as I am F2P :rofl:)

I have almost all of these buildings fully maxed. I never thought of it as a waste… more so as progression in the game.

It’s not that it’s a waste, it’s an issue of resource management. If you’re desperate for iron, the last thing you want to do is upgrade your mines once you get beyond about level 15. The payback period is too long.

The same is true, but to a much lesser degree for food and farms. But upgrading a farm has a faster ROI, and doesn’t harm your overall production as much (1/9 vs 1/4).

From SH15 on to 22 (in progress) I rarely hurt for food or iron, and I think a lot of it was because I realized the trick was to not upgrade mines or farms. There were a couple of times I had to wait a few hours, but that’s it.