3* Heroes
With the right team you can finish Season 1 with only 3* heroes ( Gunnar 3* 3.50 has the defense stat of Grimm 4* 4.70 ).
Play style
If you want to use high level Battle items to finish rare quests and get 4* ascension items then…
Do it.
It is your game.
Have fun.
But in my experience, Empires and Puzzles is a marathon, not a sprint.
In my opinion, players should enjoy the journey.
It is a game.
The game is most fun, and enjoyable, before Stronghold 13.
But it is still quite playable for a while after that.
Click for notes
Below post includes a lot of the core game play. Warning, lots of links leading to even more links. Like a link Hydra. Click on one, and more grow back.
(4* to 3-60 or 3* Maxed? - #6 by Gryphonknight)
Resource comparison for food, Hero XP and ascension items