Greedings to the community! After following the advices of many members (thank you for that!), I managed to have a good (although a little small) roster of 25 5*.
Πάνο παίρνω το ρίσκο να στα γράψω στα Ελληνικά,λοιπόν από τους μωβ η Ursena είναι ακόμα επιθετικά πολύ δυνατό χαρτί,η Hannah ακόμα είναι μυστήριο αλλά πιστεύω ότι αξίζει να την εξελίξεις,από τους μπλε σαν δεύτερη επιλογή θα σου πρότεινα Ραφαέλ,πολύ καλός healer/status ailments cleaner,από κόκκινα και ο guardian Kong αξίζει την προσοχή σου εκτός από τον Tyr,στα πράσινα αν δεν θέλεις να περιμένεις κάτι καλύτερο η Λιάνα είναι εγγύηση,στα κίτρινα η επάνω τριπλέτα τα σπάει,ανάλογα τι θέλεις εσύ,εγώ θα εξελισα την Devana
I take the risk to write them in Greek, so from the purple Ursen is still aggressively very strong paper, Hannah is still a mystery but I think it is worth developing, from the blue as a second choice I would suggest Raphael, very good vindecator / byly de stare mai pee, from red and the Guardian Kong deserves your attention except Tyr in green if you do not want to expect something better Liana is a guarantee, in yellow the top triple breaks them, depending on what you want, I will I developed Devana
Blue: go Miki. You have your mono team covered, so you can use Miki as he’s intended in the other aspects of the game. My second choice would be Frosth or Isarnia. Isarnia would make your titan team due to the better defense down and I imagine that’s a spot she’ll have for a while. I’d use Frosth to ensure your average heroes get to their charge while providing them a meat shield along the way.
Green: Elkanen. As a follow up to Frigg, his hit three will deal the most total damage.
Red: I’d go Yang over Tyr. Similar to Frosth, Yang Mai will help your average heroes in case you get stuck between 8 and 10 tiles. I’d even consider a second costume Marjana over Tyr.
Dark: I can see arguments for Ursena, Dom, and Hannah. I’d probably give the edge to Ursena for the unique Holy refelect.
Holy: you probably don’t need Viv as a healer but more healers always help. Otherwise I’d want Thor, Devana, or Joon. I’d probably give a slight edge to Thor,