9* Titan damage tiers

How much damage do you need for B loot in 9* Titans?

Thank you!

3.3% of titan’s health


Titan Total Health x .033 = B Loot


Adding to Rigs reply, C rank is 1% of titan health

A rank is top 5 attackers and A+ is the top attacker on defeated titans.

D rank is for those with less than 1% of titan hp.

Read more about titan loot tiers and the loot here:


It would be nice if some of this info was in game, so I could actually get some work done, rather than trolling the forum lol.

I’m intermediate and recently joined an alliance full of elite players. Was excited about the loot from the tougher titans they’d take down while I threw a rock at them from time to time. Unfortunately, Loot Tier D is pretty rough and was no better than the 4* titans I was hitting in my previous alliance.

This was helpful for me to have a goal to shoot for to climb to the next damage tier in hopes of better loot. First time i got C tier included an Orb. Meh, but ok, that was better than a handful of gems and some arrows.

Just had a rare titan drop with a bonus chance for Tonic, so your post about 3.3% of titan health putting me at B tier gave me incentive to use a few alteration scrolls and mana pots to really hit this guy. Fingers crossed!