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My recent thoughts on Jade:

I was thinking whether it’s worth maxing the second Cobalt but I think I’ll give up on this idea, unless I get something like 6 scopes in week. Want to focus on Zircon for now, and I have other blues that I see reason to max (guess some will come in the future as well). Second Onyx works great as I’ve been blessed with purples and my 6th war team is purple; there, a second hero that counters taunters with little amount of tiles is great. Cobalt wouldn’t provide the same utility for me. Also I find Cobalt rather boring - just a hitter with no secondary perk. Maybe if bypass went through dodge of C Kadilen… sadly it doesn’t. He’s awesome hero, my first ever LB with no regrets, just wouldn’t swap my Lord Loki for a dupe of him :sweat_smile: