3 x 2k+ tp guys looking for an aliance


3 guys looking for an alliance.
TP: 2.5k + 2.5 K + 2 K
We look for active and friendly guys. 10-11* titans.
Good participation in war.

Passionate but not desperate about the game. Real life comes first. Let us know if you find us “attractive” :slight_smile:


Hi Ciubi! We are an active alliance and love to help each other. Currently hitting 8* titans but with a few extra good players we’ll be moving up in no time. Try out De Raptors, we’d love to have you and we have roon for 3…at 25 members now.

Attack on Titan. Laid back but powerful. Only killing 8 and 9*s now but we have 10 open spots still. All we ask is you use tour war flags and get after the titans. If you’re gonna be gone for a few days just give us a heads up and it’s no big deal. Check us out
We are the one with Gullydorf as our leader.

Hi Ciubi,

We are an active but casual alliance. It is a stress free place but you must hit the titan and if checked in for war please try your best to use all of your flags. We ARE NOT the most chatty bunch. So if you need an alliance where they chat up a storm that is not us. C

Currently we are on 8* Titans. Not the 10 and 11 you were looking for but if you 3 do join I believe we should get to 10* atleast.

My Line ID is: optimus610


What are your defense team.powers and do you get your titan hits in in the first 12 hrs?

Your cups are 2k+ yah? Whats your team powers?

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When he says TP he’s referring to defense team power. He doesn’t mention cups

I realize tp would normally be that but my assumption is that someone asking for 11* titans would understand that they need a higher team power to compete at that level thus my question.


Oh ok. I guess it would just be better to ask for a clarification next time instead of assuming then

I misread as well, goodluck

@Ciubi I have the same question as the others - Does TP mean your actual defense team power or is that your cups? If it’s your defense, 10-11* titans will be out of your range.

If it’s your cup levels then We Don’t Kneel has 3 open spots. Mainly US-based alliance but has members from around the world. We’ve been around almost 2 years, currently hitting 9-10* titans and love to war. 6 flags required if opted into war and must follow our basic war strategy (Nothing fancy as we all have real lives).

Talking in chat is not required, but reading the featured message as we communicate Titan and war info there. We do get chatty around war times but can get quiet at other times. Both are fine :grin:

Post here or hit me up on Line at Kiann87

Well seeing as I once asked for members with 4200 cups or above by accident on here I figure the opposie could also be true jbl :wink:

Anyhow we are a top 200 team burning 12 and 13* titans. A bit stronger than what your lookin for but if 2 of you are holding strong at 2500 CUPS we can probably make something happen :wink:


Hi @Ciubi, if you’re referring to your Team Power then Revengers Assemble could be a good fit for you. We’re currently a small alliance but we’re active daily in Wars and on Titans looking for more people to join us so we can progress further. If you’d like to play with players of similar power you’d fit right in and with all 3 would help make a difference.

We are hitting 10* consistent, but a TP of 2k maybe a challenge.

WatchKeepers Elite. Join us.

We have a smaller team as well. WatchKeepers Novice

Hey guys. We have a few spots open, we have fun but definitely not super strict. We are on 9 10 star regularly always participate in wars and try to have fun in house events between the lot of us. Swing through and give us a shout if interested but you also have some other good offers out here. I recently hit number one global as a personal goal and everyone here has very good roster and no less than 8 months playing time,some of us headed to 2 years in game

Thnx for your time
THE Untouchablez

I can’t post topics yet… so here goes nothing. We are large group of people who looks for an alliance merger. There are few newer players, but 7-8 out of twelve are heavy hitters with diamond raids that can field 6 war teams that can deal with targets above 3800 (both mono and rainbow) and deals some serious titan damage.

Our alliance… just lacks numbers.

I can later send screenshots, but if anyone is interested… my personal bests are 109953 titan damage, 510 in war (5 wins and 6th guy almost defeated) against teams with more than 4k hero power, trophy count of 2996, temporary rank 1…

I can field very solid teams of any colour composition for any game mode with the exception of obscure tournaments like the one with 2 star heroes.

Psychotic Break has 7 spots currently open.

Killing 9* titans and the occasional 10*

All levels are welcome.

Casual and laid back. Only rules are hit the titan if you log in and use all war flags if you opt in.

The door is open. Feel free to stop in.

Hi you should come check out my alliance Man Go Loco International group, chilled but still enjoy kicking butt as a team. Generally laid back.

Come visit and if you like us you are welcome to stay.

Have you found an alliance yet?

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