2nd Loki, Sif, or Inari?

Hi bro i have a dilema. i will take hero from FS, my yellow is not great. my yellow team is kara, gullin, gilligan, onatel, vivica. And the best option is loki, but i have loki.

Should i take 2nd loki or choose yellow? If yellow,
where is more helpfull sif or inari? Thanks

Sif is way bettter than Inari. IMo Dodge listvits appeal because you can dispell it with tiles using S1 Wizards+20. That works with riposte too, but gge attacker gets damage.
Sifs best feature is the mana boost, she can be used as a tank too, if your Alliance opted for yellow tanks

For offense LoLo is way better. Decide on your needs, ascension mats and emblems…

Happy gaming

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Lokis are never enough!
Just got a 2nd one from fated summon and I can’t wait to level, emblem and limit brake!

Although not strong enough compared to the new monsters, but with a 2nd limit break
that can be solved and make him competitive.

He is the most fun hero that you may have which may not guarantee a win
but for sure a great fight to play.


I’d pass on Inari but either of the other 2 would help your war attack for sure


I have 3 and they are always useful IMO. I am going to try-hard to get the costume this month since i habe so many and use him lots. Pray4me.

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Loki is probably my favorite hero and goes to virtually every raid. He’s ridiculously versatile, and I’m always finding new uses for him.

Just today I completed a challenge for “Win Raids Using 2 Slow Speed Special Skills in a Single Match” by having Loki use my opponents’ slow specials against them at his average speed. Of course that’s just another regular raid for Loki, lol.