The allowed elements and hero/troop rarities, as well as the Special Rule will be available once the Tournament opens for joining and setting Defense Teams.
Elements Allowed
Hero Rarities Allowed
Troop Rarities Allowed
No Dark/Holy
or lower
or lower
Special Rule: Bloody Battle
Healing, revival, and similar effects have no effect!
Before, During & After the Tournament: Share & Discuss Your Teams, Thoughts, Feedback, and Questions!
Some topics to start off with:
Click for some suggested discussion points
Do this week’s restrictions on hero/troop rarity and elements make your bench depth better or worse suited to this Raid Tournament than Regular Raids?
Are there heroes you’re likely to use for this Tournament that you normally don’t make use of anymore?
Are there heroes you plan to power level for this Tournament, or level before the next time a Tournament like this one rolls around?
Do Costumes affect your team selection at all?
What are you thinking about using for your Defense Team?
Are there heroes you expect to see on Enemy Defenses that you think you’ll have a harder time dealing with than usual because of the restrictions or special rule in this Tournament?
Which of your heroes will you be likely to use on your Attack Teams?
Will the restrictions or special rule of this Tournament change your usual approach to color stacking or team building?
Are there elements of this week’s Tournament that are unclear to you?
Do you have feedback on the Tournament matchmaking?
Click for suggestions on information to include in Defence Team Tracking
Which day of the Tournament is it?
How may times have you been attacked today, and in total?
What is your Defense Team’s win/loss record today, and in total?
What Defense Grade does your Defense Team have?
Which heroes make up your Defense Team?
What is the Team Power of your Defense Team?
What is your current Tournament Score and Ranking?
After the Tournament: Share Your Results & Rewards!
Log & Guide to Raid Tournaments
A Log of past Tournaments, and an overview of how Raid Tournaments work, including Special Rules and Restrictions, Attacking, Matchmaking, Defense Grade, Scoring, and Rewards.
All you had to do was post the word “First,” @Guvnor, and we would understand. I almost thought they were already setting up for the next Raid Tournament.
On YouTube in the “Comments” section, you typically have that one person who always posts the word “First” to very popular YouTube videos as a way of saying, “Look at me. I was here first making business with the topic before any of the rest of you losers!”
I equate that with your jumping on the next Raid Tournament discussion without knowing authoritatively what will be the element restrictions or “Tournament Rule.”
Struggling a bit with this one. Advice welcome and appreciated @Vikingblood80 my brainstorming buddy, and of course @BubblesUK who has advised me on tons of raid tourney defenses before (btw, if you prefer I not tag you please let me know )
Only Yellows I have are below, plus Hu Tao (IMO too slow and I only have him at +1 anyway) and Wu Kong (can really punish a bad board, but is also really frail at +1…)
Yellow core of mana cutters, prioritizing higher mana cut of normal Li
Grimm to soften up the enemy (and with Rigard unavailable… people bringing costumed Melendor will waste his HoT and dispel, that leaves costumed Sonya…)
Scarlett for high attack and the Rogue talent
I was thinking of a Green in place of Scarlett, to discourage/punish those who would stack Costumed Sonya and Blues. I could put Jack O’Hare or Caedmon in that slot… or Little John, but slow in the wing won’t cut it, I think.
Other eligibles (leaving out healers):
Red: Gormek +9, Colen +2, Kelile +1, Lancelot +15
Green: Skittles +6, LJ +11, Jack +9, Caedmon +9
Yellow: Hu Tao +1, Wu Kong +1
Blue: Sonya costumed +15, Triton +7, Valeria +5
(Val is on iffy ground as she’s mostly useful vs. healers… Triton at least hits hard even though half his skill is wasted)
I set up this defense, holy straight. Was thinking to bring in buddy or Emblemed grimm, but not sure if this is of advantage.
what is the opinion for defense: regular li xiu or dressed li xiu?
thanks, appreciate your usual well-thought advice I might add Sonya in place of Grimm then, as the dispel (or cleanse) will still work - Triton hits harder but I lose the healing bonus. Probably cleanse, most buffers are also healers so dispel will be less useful here…
This. As @BubblesUK said would use her instead of Grimm and I am gonna do this.
I am totally fine with marking. Go a(sleepy)head.
Sonya costumed is the only cleanser this week working against : Kelile, Scarlett, Gormek, Falcon, Wilbur, Grimm, Peters, Hansel, Buddy, Gretel, Jackal, Mist(?)
See how useful she is while Paladin Sonya is almost useless this week. (Only against Boril and Wilbur).