Xiwangmu - 5* Fire / Red from Journey family

This will be a painful hero to face if you can’t dispel her special, that is a lot of damage if you kill her prematurely.

This family has incredibly good synergies, Queen Guowang and Erlang Shen, extending the duration of specials, dealing damage if you dispel vengeance, huge damage if you kill the hero that Erlang hit… if all three charge and fire on the defense, good luck to you.
Sha Wujing is great in any team, greater still when paired with his family.

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Not only that, hippo’s damage will be off the charts! You probably can still stack the damage with wukong


Silly question but does it only extend the duration of effects cast on allies or does it also extend the duration of negative effects (i.e. ailments) cast on enemies?

are the health & mana abilities only able to be activated once per turn? i’m assuming yes…but if not that could be a problem…

The family bonus?

It extends the duration of any effect they cast so Erlang Shen’s ailment as well. With a 3rd unique hero it is 100% chance to extend for THREE additional turns for any effect the heroes cast.

Not only are most of the heroes in this family already very, very good, the family bonus is excellent.


So, who makes way in my current Green Titan team of BT - cWilbur - Sun - Falcon - Zenobia for this goddess? Already don’t have space for El Duque’s def down stack…

Replace BT with banners, I guess?

Edit : And just pulled Buster yesterday too. Can we have 10 hero Titan teams? :rofl:


Replaces BT :+1:

I don’t know how you are going to fit Buster in tho :thinking:

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I would say zenobia for buster. Tile enhancement is quite hit and miss, probably difficult to time as well

Best three pulls of the game for me, and i got erlang earlier and already have sha wujing…

My question though? Is she any good, it doesnt seem like a great special?


Good titan and event hero


got her! will definitely be using her for Titans and Events. She’s going into my Red Legendary event stack for sure… :smiley:

c-Marjana, Wilbur, meet your new teammate…


What about a war tank?

Haven’t thought about it. My alliance uses Purple tanks anyhow. The revive and average mana do make her a decent choice I think

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Thanks, i think ill try her, when i get two more rings, i have lb for her but emblems will be a problem unfortunately

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Half way emblemed anyways! Heres the stats


Any ideas how to suite this piece of in attack team?

i cant see where she fits either, i mean you pretty much have to hope she dies to do much it seems to me i mean the crit is good but phenxa and flip do that and heal and other stuff, but the stack isnt much at average speed

Firmin Richard pretty much makes her stack look like chump change. Yeah her greatest asset is only the revival damage at this point

would be useful if she revived herself and nearby at least, but yeah as is just doesnt seem so great

I’d put her on the wing with a healer who heals 3. She’ll gain health on buffs. Really tricky to time the special. With other journey heroes her revive buff gets extended. Saw an 8 turns at one point. Also noticed she got dispelled a few times without me noticing . So many passives, resistances, buff blocks etc. Very good for Titans and events/towers