Who would you ascend

I have trouble thinking my ascending mats.
I have fully ascended :
Ariel,frida, Magni, guin, Onatel, malosi, joon, domitia, Clarissa , Morgan, Telluria, kadilen(costume), gm ,Khagan and Marjana.

Which would you ascend from the heroes below: ( I have mats for every colour)
Ariel (2nd) , Clarissa (2nd) , Mok-AR , Quintus , Leonidas , Vivica, Thorne, insarnia, Raffaele , atomos, Horghall , Elena , azlar(costume).
Would you pass and wait for better heroes?

Viv, Atomos, and maybe azlar costume. Haven’t seen any reviews on that but it looks killer.

Azlar with costume is a beast. If he fires is game over. He is the first I am considering to max

Ariel is the best healer in the game… But if you don’t have Grimm at +20 I’d actually consider Isarnia for titans (and raids). Neither would be a wrong choice IMHO.

Mok over Quintus - but do you want AoE over another Clarissa? Up to you.

I’d probably pass on holy… Vivica is okay, but slow and season 1’s without costumes are a way behind the times in power terms.

Atomos isn’t bad these days - the added punch in green could be really useful.

Azlar costume over Elena anyday.


All of this assumes you’re not actively pulling - if you are, wait until you’re done before allocating materials.
If you’re happy enough with the choices you have, there’s no need to be pulling.

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I’m so jealous. Not only does his card look boss aesthetically, but he looks like he will absolutely wreck you if you come up against him. I want to face his costume just so he can crush my team. That’s how jelly I am.

I am pulling but with no much luck For the pulls I have done. I have all those heroes a long time now and I am thinking of max some for wars I am not happy with any of them.
I have Grimm 3.70 but no talents. The def down I get it from frida at red titans.

Elemental Def down and regular Def down stack together - you really want both on your titan team.

Not to mention Isarnia has great tile damage.
And Grimm is a 4* staple you owe it to yourself to max.

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So you prefer insarnia over Thorne or a second Ariel? And you think mok-AR is any useful or just for war mono teams?
I have grim maxed at 4.70 but no talents as gym has all of it

Over Thorne? I’d do 5 Isarnia’s before I even considered my first Thorne.

Over Ariel? Normally no way… But if you care about your titan scores and want more damage for your war teams, I’d think about it.

I find him useful in general… Yes he’s good in mono, but he’s also got other uses (with Wilbur and BK or Wilbur and Khiona, the self-harm ratchets up that beserk; with Wilbur and Gullinbursti, Gullin gets straight to maxed tile damage at several thousand attack).

His self damage is really, really low and as above sometimes useful.
His damage to all enemies except dark is great (at the moment when darks tend to be at wing, this is almost a non issue) and extra damage to holy is nice.

Over Quintus? All day long.
Over first Clarissa? Probably not.
Over second Clarissa? If it’s for the same team, yes. If running on different was teams, maybe…

Sorry I read the 3.70 in previous post as 3.60 >.<

Whether you max Isarnia or not… You really want to run normal defence debuff AND elemental.
So if you don’t max Isarnia, get Grimm into that titan team with Frida, your scores will go up noticeably!


Thank you for your time. I don’t have the heroes you said for mok ar I only have Wilbur with boldusk for attack up, and Kiril. Also Tibertus costume with Rigard a costume in purple.

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Not Atmos even with the upgrade

You might need few more healers, since Ariel is the only 5* healer at the moment.
Vivica, Rafaelle would complement your offense team in Raid/War

Rafaelle or a second Ariel ?

Vivica would be good

Still need damage. I have all the 4* healers

Then it would be up to your preference. I felt that even 4* costume max with node 20 talent healer cannot match with 5* healer…

Just my personal feeling

I had the same thoughts.

Faced him twice in raids. Killed him before he fired first time. Second he fired and my team was razed to the ground :rofl:

Mine too. If he fires is game over. Anyone thinks mok-ar is a good move to ascend? Or Thorne to pair him with Magni frida Ariel in a mono team?

This is only my personal opinion but I don’t think you should ascend someone just because you have mats to do it. I’ve made that mistake in the past and I really regret it. Specifically justice and obakan. I have mok-ar sitting at 2/60. I don’t even want to give him the trap tools let alone the tabards. He might have a place in a purple stack, but I’m not willing to take the chance. And there are so many better choices than Thorne. Again just my opinion.

The good news is you have Telly, so it doesn’t really matter!