Who to LB poll - Eron, Scoria or Pepperflame - Tough

I know people will say it depends on who you need in your roster. But my roster is pretty good on reds already and just not sure who I need

So please pick who you would vote for just based off experience using the heros or fighting them. Love Scorias artwork and special but Erons and PF also have great specials. So I need your votes please.

  • Eron
  • Pepperflame
  • Scoria
0 voters
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Even after the nerf, pepperflame is still so useful on both sides of the game. that’s where my vote went.


Eron is a one owl killing machine. I use him on most titans, except purple where i use Alfrike. Plus as n owl he gets a bonus against yellow, which is great when raid defenses stack against a non-purple tournament. Pepperflame is a pain to fight against, but I dont have so not sure how it works on offense.

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No one complained more about her nerf, but pepper still slaps

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Yup! Even after her nerf, I still sport double +25 peppers in revenge raids …:rofl::rofl:

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