Again only one can lb . Depth only and wars . Thank you all
- Verus
- Haulstone
- Xandrella
- Relius
- Galapago
- Toxicandra
Again only one can lb . Depth only and wars . Thank you all
This type poll is good and most i like see other one what like
Draw ! Difficult choice as expected
you can specify the result if you specify what you need
According to my war and raid experience Relius causing more trouble. Do you have a good reviver? What are your best attack-all heroes?
don’t have a reviver at all. Only healers . I have damage dealers in other colours . In green I have frond , Sha and Green knight broken . And some old cards I barely use ( frigg , Hammertusk for example )
I would consider go with Relius first. Many situations a good reviver can help you
Hammertusk is on Titan teams but that’s all. I already have him at 4.85