Hey All, I am cheap to play. I normaly only pay for PoV but thats it. So my hero line up isnt the greatest. But I have enough Alpha aethers (15) now to double limit break a 5* or even a costume. I do have Khufu as my only 5* dlb hero now and red is by far my strongest colour so maybe red isnt the best colour to do again but Pepperflame should be worth it. Can you guys leave some motivation what to do.
my serious options are
Red: Pepperflame, Neema or Torben (pulled that guy today so he is only 1.1 now)
Green: Boom & Fang or Peridot (I serious lack greens)
Blue: Mr. Pengi (i have 2) or Areax
Purple: C-Obakan (2nd or Toon costume i use them both) or C-Domitia 2nd costume
Yellow: C-Joon Toon, Winnie or C-Roc
Hello, @Geert1986! Even if your reds are already strong, there’s no reason not to 2LB Pepperflame. She hits like a truck and you’ll use her everywhere. She’s your best defensive option, a great asset on offense and you can use her against titans because of her growth effect.
Costume Obakan is worth the 2LB only if you use purple tanks in wars. He is a very good one but he isn’t better than Pepperflame.