Who is better to get the sorcerer emblem between Vanda Costume, Lady of the Lake and Krampus Costume. I only can give emblem for 2 heroes. currently I put emblem to Krampus and Lady of the Lake. Since Krampus Costume got nerf, is it better to take off the emblem and give it to Vanda C? I already have BK+20 dan LB btw.
It is hard to say without knowing your other heroes.
Are you planning to use any of these in defense? If so, that’s the hero who should take priority.
It’s easy to say “go for Krampus” but if you are using Morel in defense and have no desire to put Krampus out there, meanwhile Vanda is your best defensive red, then that’s a whole different story.
I think I would just split them between the three of them. Or emblem fully the one you use the most and is also on your defense team and split the emblems among the other two
I don’t think to put Krampus Costume for def anymore. I need block ailment’s hero and Vanda is the only one I have. I think to LB Vanda if she got the emblem. Is Krampus Costume still worth it for the emblem?.
Krampus is definitely still worthy of emblems. I think both versions (costume and regular) can still be useful. But even if you don’t want to use the costume, regular Krampus is still a great hero.
It depends on which heroes you use the most, who’s on your defense… as others have said.
If none go on defense, you could split the emblems.
I have Mr X +20, Zuri +19 LB, LotL +19, Krampus +19. I won’t take Mr X and Zuri’s emblem, they are so powerful for me. I thought to take Lotl’s emblem, but after Krampus Costume nerf, I’m confused. Stay in this condition (vanda no emblem), or take from other (Krampus or Lotl).