Not sure which green I should work on next,
I have the following:
Melendor 4/70+1
Kashhrek 3/60
Little John 1/15
Hansel 1/15
Caedman 1/10
Skittleskull 1/1
I have the materials to ascend one. Any advice would be appreciated.
What does your team needs the most?
Mana control : Hansel
Dispeller : Hansel
Sniper : Hansel
AoE slow hero : Hansel
Girly hero : Hansel
Tough choice
Hansel, hands down. You’ll use him for a very long time.
After that Caedmon will probably have the most long-term use.
Ok I guess it will be Hansel, which was kind of my thoughts as well just wanted a more seasoned opinion, as I have only been playing for just over 3 moths. Thank you.
Yes Hansel hands down.
Caedmon should be your next project after Hansel
I agree with Hansel…I will say my second choice would be LJ as he is a beast in the 4* fast attack tournaments.
Another post for Hansel I have his sister Gretel, and she’s very good. Hansel is better than her.
After Hansel do Caedmon.
Don’t do any of the others until both of the above are done. | Kashhrek is good for defense teams only, good to have for raid tournaments but not a priority. | Skittleskull and Little John both have high damage output, and special attacks that can swing matches in your favor. But they’re both frail and slow, they mainly shine in raid tournaments with rush attack and against titans for their tile damage. Not really that great otherwise.
Very easy choice here +1 for Hansel like the other said. After that Caedmon for sure.
I have Gretel as well, but haven’t done anything with her either.
Chao 4/70+1
Hi Tao 2/47
Wu Kung 2/5
Li Xiu 1/8
Gretel 1/1
Finish Wu Kong 1st, for titan, then Gretel.
Hansel is very very useful if you have another healer… if not… Melendor is who you need first, then Hansel