Ok I need a bit of advice myself now. Which blue 5* and which Red 5* to max out next. I have mats for both. And it’s just for roster depth really
who do you already have?
Without knowing the rest of your roster…
Among the Reds, Mitsuko caught my eye for her Blue reflect… Kong too, for the cleanse. C-Azlar for pure offensive power.
for the Blues, Passepartout and Raffaele are good healers while Alasie is a good sniper/mana slower. Isarnia would potentially have a niche on Titans as her defense debuff is quite high (higher than C-Magni’s or Grimm’s).
This is who I have on max so far. And I have gone 100% free to play. So just maxing out what I have rather than chasing any new hero

I would probably max Mitsuko because elemental reflect is rare and usefull.
C.Santa is also good choice, it would depend on avaible emblems for me.
Passepartout is good, I fought him twice and his heal can be huge.
Raffaele is also great healer it would also depend on emblems here.
If you don’t have any emblems for these I would max Mitsuko and Passepartout first.
Baldur and Passepartout are the most exciting two to me. Baldur is quite underrated. Mitsuko would be handy in some situations.
thanks @JGE !
Mitsuko and C-Santa are my bets for Red (C-Santa could be an upgrade on Wilbur/Gormek if you have them).
for Blue, Passepartout and then Alasie.
welcome to the FTP lifestyle
Mitsuko (C Azlar would be my second choice) and Passepartout (Alasie would be my second choice) from my side as well. And to quote someone whoever you choose, good luck!
Nice roster you have there, and smart idea going F2P and making the most of your existing heroes I would go with Mitsuko and Passepartout if it were up to me!
I’d go with Santa I think. As far as I’m aware he has the biggest DD stats! So great for titans! I don’t like slow heroes but again if you only need for roster depth, he’ll serve you well in rush attacks and be a good addition to your red stack! Mitsuko is great but I don’t find her a problem when she’s on defence! You could use her in your attack team against blue tanks! That’s how I use my ursena only in my attack team when I’m facing heroes like Odin!
Also passepaourt or whatever he is called Great healer so he’s be a good addition to any team.
Whatever you choose, good luck and enjoy @JGE
And if you are considering changing your alliance, we are a nice and relaxed gang and have 1 slot open
Mitsuko and Passepartout are the easy choices IMO. Mitsuko will let you not worry about the enemies offensive blue heroes (except cobalt) and let them commit suicide on the reflect. The P man is just a fantastic healer.