Which 5* hero do you want the most from Tower of Magic?

I know most of us would be happy to obtain any of them, but I mean if you had to pick one who would you choose? Are there any that you think are stronger/weaker than the others? I’m just curious :slight_smile:

  • Motega
  • Milena
  • Cristóbal
  • Agrafena
  • Nedezhda

0 voters


Definitely motega by a longshot. then the red lady only because she has damage reduction. If she didn’t have that skill, not worth it as well to get


First want Christobal & then Motega But got these two… not complaining!


+1 Motega

I would have voted for Sergei if he was on the list :grin:

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I was lucky enough to get both Motega and Sergei from 10 pull. Motega was the 5* I really wanted. Of course, Sergei was No 1 priority :). I could use Nadezhda too as red is my weakest color.

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So lucky! Also Milena’s second charge is bascially like Cristobal’s but without the HP condition, so just wondering why you prefer the latter?

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Oh congrats on your pull, so lucky! Jealous haha

That’s why I didn’t put Sergei on the list, cause I already know everyone wants him :joy:

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None, and I’m not playing that tower as well.
We had a tower earlier.
This is a xerox copy of that. Nothing new.
They only need our money.
No new contents for us to enjoy. That’s it.

Why is motega considered so good?

When i look at it milena seems the strongest of the 5.


Not sure actually, maybe cause he can summon minions at very fast speed and then his second charge is similar to the popular Elizabeth? Or maybe people are lacking strong yellows?

I asked the same question in a humble way, why so impressed by motega
Let’s see if someone can explain.

Happy gaming


His first skill increases all damage taken by 20% by way of minions.

His second skill reduces hit chance by 50% by way of fiends. I think this is biggest chance to miss out side of Bai Young, who’s skill only lasts 2 turns. Montega’s is for the entire duration of the fiends.


And in order to get family bonus, what magic heroes do you combine with other to optimize in offense? Your dream team with magic family bonus, to say.

Happy gaming

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I have the exact opposite question, Montega seems obviously OP to me, but Melina, seems good, but not great.

In my opinion the only ones really worth pulling for are Montega and Nathesda.


Milena is basically a slightly altered version of cobalt that can hit charge 3 all the time with dispel. If you have cobalt, you have milena. But most of the time she becomes a baby rigard


Dear SG. How would you like me to rephrase it to be far less honest and more acceptable to you? :laughing:


Only reason, I have got the tonics to have finished Chris yesterday itself…
Milena is the perfect & best hero of MagiC Tower & is just one scope away !

So, not complaining !

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Motega is good, especially on the 2nd charge, where he simply finishes the hit single handedly = 12 tiles, is the only reason, that makes him MortaL but the beefy stats will keep him going till 2nd charge.

Milena is the best of the lot for the 2 super useful specials as per need of the moment = most useable daily, all the time & the +20% mana boost is to all non-ICE is priceless… !


Did you mean “Onyx”? Cobalt does not do the dispell to buffs, his 3rd charge bypasses the buffs when he hits. With Milena 2nd charge, you’d have to be cautious using her against a team covered in riposte buff and I would imagine Milena hitting into Mitsuko’s buff would kill Milena – like Onyx, she hits first and then does the dispell. Nonetheless, I managed to pull Milena as part of my second 10 pull in this event and plan on maxing her.