Fated summon 02/25 your choice(s) - multiple choices poll

Hello! Who will you pick and why Ludwig? :smiley: You can choose up to 5 heroes so click away…

  • Ludwig
  • Milena
  • Hulda
  • Ray
  • Lewena
  • Aouda
  • Suzuna
  • Viselus
  • Roughian & Nurgib
  • Agrafena
  • Zenobia
  • Phileas Fogg
  • Gilligan
  • Eloise
  • Esme
  • Quenell
  • Motega
  • Morel
  • Turgruk
  • Cristobal
0 voters

Good gaming everyone…


Outdated stats, but lots of usefull specials. Hulda, Ludwig (I got one, but probably will take a second one too), Milena and Ray… Back in the day I made lots of summons but couldn’t get R&N. Not sure if I will be able to get all of them, but that’s enough of good heroes to choose from.


If the list is correct then my first pick will probably be Milena as I kinda regret not taking her in a previous soul exchange and I don’t have a pressing blue project after I finish my current one. After that, in no particular order, I’d be looking at Quenell, Cristobal, Eloise, Ray and Phileas Fogg. Maybe Zenobia and Esme too. I have almost all the others, including a dupe Ludwig. The only one I don’t have and have zero interest in is Motega.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :guardsman:


At first glance, Esme catches my eye because my roster is woefully lacking in anti-fiend options.

To second-Ludwig or not to second-Ludwig, that is a question; a costume would make a huge difference for him. His ability is still great, especially PvE, but in PvP, ouch vs modern stats. (For anyone sans Ludwig, he seems like a pretty obvious pickup.)

Ray and Fogg pack EDD for anyone lacking it (or for anyone who’s not happy with 4* EDD and doesn’t mind the resources for a specialist 5*).

Motega is an eye-catcher, for while his hero card and stats are old, his minions and fiends are mean.

Just quick first thoughts.


Ray became i have everyone else. Lol

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I would first take Ray or Quenell. I have Ludwig, and I just pulled C.Krampus as a second taunter. My greens and reds are my weakest.

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Probably Fogg for me to replace Almur as EDD. His priority dispell is nice too. Maybe get his costume from one of the next VO, after GPanther.


100% on Milena. Always regretted not picking her up.


For what it’s worth, I have now posted my personal thoughts at some greater length on the main FS thread

I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say “recommendations” given that Fated Summon is, even more than Soul Exchange, more about “what am I missing” but there are a few pretty notable

  • Ludwig (I mean seriously, for anyone who doesn’t have him, yeesh)
  • Fogg (EDD, priority dispel)
  • Ray (EDD and a whooooole bunch of other stuff, plus more recent stats)
  • Motega (nasty minion AND fiend effects)
  • Roughian (nice utility sniper/mana cut/minion eat)
  • Milena (your in-fight choice of heal/cleanse or hit/dispel, yes please)
  • Lewena (not many things turn off those annoying Talent Skills; of course, she may not work vs Toons/Glass)

plus minionbusting and fiendbusting (Eloise, Esme) for those who want/need them.


Definitely Ludwig the first one I’ll pick without second thought.

Only picking those that I don’t have. To fill my museum.