Just looking for advice on who to keep and who becomes food.
İf you have enough space, keep one hero of each. İn the early stages of the game, you will need 3* heroes badly.
Heroes I’d consider feeding: Morris, Shrekok, Ei Dunn, By Ulf, Chick Jr, GIll ra, Namahage, Gato, Dawa, Vollermork, Jarif. But buying more space is often easier and saves some decisions. Never know when someone will get a buff.
All of this is subject to your play style.
Personally I keep every unique hero, because I’m a collector.
But if you don’t care about that I can say that even though I have those heroes maxed in my roster for a very long time I don’t use them at all:
Chick Jr., By-Ulf, Vollermork, Moris, Dawa, Ei Dunn, Squire Rabbit.
Keep in mind that I have a lot of other rare and epic heroes that you don’t have.
In challeneges events for rare difficulty you can only use rare heroes. You may also need those rare heroes if you want to finish 10 stages of Tavern of legends - you can only use each hero once and you need 50 of them.
You can eat S1 heroes, you can get them easily again even from silver tokens.
By-Ulf - I use him on trials (paladin/monks) as a healer (I don’t have any other paladin or monk healer).
Ei-Dunn is good 3* hit-3 (she was my war tank in early game )