Your opinion counts!

Hi All,

I am having great difficulty to determine what would be my best DEF team. Every time I think I have it, but then I am starting to doubt again. I have 10 heroes to choose from (soon to be 11).

This is what I think is the best option (the position can be changed):

On the bench I have the following:

All above heroes are maxed and have emblems. I have only one hero becoming max, which is Mitsuko, but I am not sure if I should use her in my DEF team.

Please advice on team and position. Ty!

I’d go Kingston, Misandra, Guin, Marjana, Seshat. Lots of speed, and in my opinion, these are the best heroes you can field from the list here.


In my honest opinion, the five for the defence team would include : Seshat, Kingston, Misandra, Marjana and Guinevere
Good luck


I don’t see any emblem in your pictures. Anyway, if I had those heroes, then my defense would be like yours, but Misandra instead Lianna.

  • Rainbow is the most efficient
  • Talented Seshat and Marjana are among the best wings in the game (as any fast rogue)
  • Kingston is a great replacement as flank for those don’t have Zeline
  • I would also switch Kingston and Misandra places (for obvious reasons)

Guinevere is your best tank, so we’ll use her as tank.

I’m assuming most of your emblems are on Kingston for your fighter too, so that’s why I chose Frida over Misandra for the below team.

I don’t know what your troops are like, but typically our strongest troops are usually rainbow – since the way we feed troops is color exclusive only that naturally ends up happening. That’s usually why rainbow defense is best.

So with that said:

Seshat | Frida | Guinevere | Kingston | Marjana

I’d say that’s your best defense.


@Scarecrow, the pics are just from internet, not my real heroes. So if you put Misandra an Kingston in one team, to whom would I spent my emblems since they are both Fighters? I have around 9 to spear.

Do as @DaveCozy said then. That order is correct.

Man kann jede def schlagen…man kann es nur dem gegner erschwären die def zu knacken…meine meinung …sieht man ja das dich kleinere ts stärken spieler dich schlagen…

Mod translation via Google

You can beat every def … you can only make it difficult for the opponent to crack the def … my opinion … you can see that smaller ts strengthen you players beat you …

Thank you all for the feedback. I have to say that I find it at least remarkable that non of you have Lianna in the team. She seems to be the best sniper.

@DaveCozy, your comment has been very helpful. Thank you for that. Hypothetically speaking, when you are not looking at emblems nor class nor color, what would then be your choice? The reason why I ask, is that currently Misandra has more emblems than Kingston (I got her first) and I really like her. She helped me a lot so far. Concerning troops, I have two blue 4* at lvl 13 and 10, but this should not influence your reply :slight_smile: