What should I do with all these darts?

I have several options I’m considering. My other 2 max 5* are Joon and Ranvir. What’s my best move here?

A. Poseidon
B. Inari
C. Neith - Extremely unlikely I’ll get her but is she a better option than A or B? Just curious on this one.
D. Save em for super season 3 heroes :man_shrugging:t2:
E. Buy a dartboard


Poseidon and Inari are both nice. I have them maxed with a couple emblems each. I raid with them all the time. Inari in particular is one of my favorites. That dodge comes in very handy. IMHO, you would be ok to go for both.


I would go with Inari 1st then Poseidon, if u have 12 darts or more could be both…

Not being so sure about pulling Neith, by the time S3 will be released you will have more darts for any new hero…so Darts are better invested in good heroes (Inari and Poseidon are)… than collecting dust in your inventory…imho


How many darts do you have? You’ll likely be getting another soon since Shiloh is right around the corner.

I have Poseidon maxed. He’s really good for this buff booster tournament since he gives every hero two buffs.

Those buffs are pretty good, too. Mana control is huge in this game. It’s nice seeing “Resist!” pop up when Hel tries to shut me down.

Do you have Ariel? I use the two of them together for the family bonus. Ursena would work, too.


I have 6. I was waiting for Shiloh to get my sixth then I got one from my last titan loot. So I’ll have 7 by the end of the week. Even at 3.70 I get a lot of use out of Poseidon. And the only other Atlantis family heroes I have are 4*.


Poseidon is on my defense team and he is my tank in the current tournament. I do get a lot of use of him. That said, I love variety. You already have a great yellow sniper. Do you plan to do a lot of pulls for Neith?

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Yeah I think I prefer Poseidon but Inari is great too and I also like variety which is why it’s a harder choice for me. And no I don’t plan on doing many pulls for neith at all. But I got Ranvir after 2 pulls so anything can happen.

Do you have Inari at 3/70? I have her at 1/1 and never used her.

I don’t think you’ll regret Poseidon, but if I were in your position I would probably wait. I’m very indecisive though. Poseidon is a great hero and those darts aren’t doing you any good sitting in your inventory :wink:

Shiloh Desert just popped :rofl:

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Unless of course you pulled Guin last weekend like I was lucky enough to do. I am dartless, so she’s going to sit there at 3/70 for next several months.

I think the OP would have mentioned if they had Guin as an option… I didn’t mention Drake Fong because he isn’t an option… the best heroes are the ones you have.

Although I just gave Drake darts over Guin :rofl:

I have both Inari and Poseidon at 3.70 so I’ve played around with both.

Man I was really hoping Shiloh wouldn’t pop up during AR. I have full WE so that’s cool.

I think I would have picked drake over guin too. He fits my play style

Using mats on a hero right before you get a hero you like better is definitely one of the most frustrating parts of the game.

Print out pictures of all of your yellow heroes that are options, and buy a dartboard.

Attach the heroes to the dartboard, and throw darts at the board, until all darts are used up and stuck somewhere. Whichever hero has the most darts clearly is the correct choice.


I’ve been overthinking it. That’s the way to go

As you got six I come over and we have some funny rounds playing darts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
To get serious again: for what do you plan to use the hero? Are you week in defense, raids or titans?

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I dont really have any glaring weaknesses. I’m just looking to improve all around. Whoever I choose I will use in all 3 departments.

Maybe this helps a bit with comparison…

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There you have your answer. I upped Inari and left Poseidon sitting around due to the fact it would be my 5th yellow 5*.

If you are lacking snipers then Poseidon is quite the solid choice for most situations.

Inari is quite superb against titans. So depends on what you prefer really.
I prefer heroes that help me against titans at the moment. Raids not quite since the score is relatively the same everyday for me.

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Sure, but Murphy´s law won´t let that hero get into your roster if you have the materials.

My second 4* ever just showed when I spent all what I had in Danza.

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